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  1. LTN Games


    I'm curious about how other people go about making their demo games. Is there a specific way you create your demos? How long would you say a Demo game should be? Do you start your demo at the beginning of the game or do you start it in the middle or somewhere different. I'd like to hear what you...
  2. LTN Games

    [Scripting] Single Event Not All Events

    Okay, so I'm trying to make this plugin that allows you to set a Visibility Range for an event and whatever that range is the event's opacity will change. So the closer you get the better you see it, the further away from the event the less you see it. I have all I the foundation ready to go...
  3. PhilteredKhaos

    Trade Some RM Ace DLC and RM Music for some simple "cute" art in MV format

    I have a few unused steam keys for resources that I am not going to use, incuding: Arabian Nights Classic Fantasy Music Pack DLC I am looking for 7-10 "cute" backgrounds and images/"tiles". Not even technically tiles, just sort of larger images I can use to make up a scene. I keep thinking...
  4. LTN Games

    [Scripting] Plugin Command Arguments

    So after playing around with the plugin command method, I noticed a few strange issues with it. For starters what if someone else is using the same command name as me, for example: I use CutomPop in my script for a plugin call, but what if someone else used this in their scripts, would this not...
  5. legendreef1

    rpg maker mv - sale , tell me

    it black Friday or cyber Monday on steam (autum sale) I look on humblebundle and other website(bundlestar, etc) but 10% off, ew. can someone tell me when it less than 10% off ty. or like on humblebundle week ...
  6. MinisterJay

    Appreciating the Small Things in MV

    I have found two things that I am appreciating about MV, when comparing to VX Ace and 2003. I LOVE that warning bar, for the event text inputting section. The 'preview' is still there, but so much time is now being saved. It is also nice to not have to use a script to control character...
  7. MinisterJay

    What is the Link to RMMV Forums You Tube?

    One of the badges requires a member to upload a video to RMMV You Tube's official site. On You Tube, I see a lot of videos uploaded by SoulPour, but I did not find an official page for RMMV. Is there a particular you want the videos submitted to, or it can be placed anywher as long as RMMV...
  8. VanCentria

    Battle Huds inquiry

    I really like using battle huds just like back then in RMVXAce. Are there any plugin present in RMMV?
  9. LTN Games

    Plugin LTN's Window Pop

    I've been creating a plugin for the last week as a way to introduce myself to some aspects of scripting for MV. I chose the smart route and made it a plugin I will be using in my own game as well as be sharing either for the resource pack for the community or just uploading to the resource...
  10. LTN Games

    Game Resolutions

    So I like to go through numerous things before I dive deep into developing a game and now that I'm using MV I have to take into consideration game resolution. I'm really not sure how to go about this, do I want the user to be able to select a few different resolutions, or do I want to stick with...
  11. LTN Games

    [Scripting] Script Call Function

    I'm not sure the best way to explain this but I'm trying to create a function that can be called through a script call in an event. I'm trying to allow the contents of my window be changed via a script call, basically allowing me to set the icon and the text through a function I create. Here is...
  12. VanCentria

    Centria: In Times of War

    Completion: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 6% ( 2 months) Characters: (I apologize for using built-in resources. I really like those.) (Note: These are the characters currently used in the game. Other characters will be added soon.) Van Harold Class: Soldier Profile...
  13. Boy Who Codes

    RMMV Plugin Scripting Tutorials

    I have the whole remaining months making videos and tutorials, so while I still have the strength and I am still alive, I'd like to create this thread. This is all I can do for the RM community for now, and I do hope it would help people learn how to write their own plugins in the future. I...
  14. Xyphien

    RMMV Halloween Contest!

    Special thanks to @PandaMaru for making this banner! Hello everyone, it's been 2 days after the release of MV, and many of you have already had a chance to get accustomed to the program. As you all may know, halloween is right around the corner, and we're going to go ahead and make a Halloween...
  15. Questions

    Make party members not follow you

    I 'm having troubles wording this. But how do you go about making the party members not follow. I want them to be in my party, and that's it.
  16. Xyphien

    Steam How to add DLC to RMMV?

    I purchased RMMV via steam, and I cannot for the life on me figure out where the RPG Maker MV folder is on my computer. On VX Ace it installed in my documents, also, where do I even go to for the DLC files in steam.
  17. Xyphien

    What donations/Sponsors/Partners do for RMMV

    Hello everyone, this post is going to shed some light on what your donation, sponsor, partner, as well as the one ad we have on the site does for RMMV. I'm probably one of the very few 1% that do not host websites for money, but for a service. I own GameHandout which I giveaway real, 100% legal...
  18. Xyphien

    Wiki Added!

    Thanks to @Tsukihime for this amazing request. I went ahead and added a huge Wiki update to the forum. You can now make wiki posts for games, resources, etc. If I'm missing something comment it below. Of course with the addition to a huge update, we now have 5 new badges for the Wiki! You can...
  19. Xyphien

    My To-Do List

    I went ahead and made this post to show you all what is on my list of things to add/change to the forum. This way you all know what I'm doing/trying to do, etc. Update the FAQ to include the current questions being asked (Always being updated) Code Color changes Add a Post Development...
  20. Status Gear Entertainment

    Status Gear Entertainment Presents SGE

    EDIT: Just read the rules! Whoopsie! Unlinked the name of SGE below guess, you'll have to look at the link on my profile. Much apologies. Hello everyone! I'll be the representative for my site called Status Gear Enterainment where we pretty much promote future projects to get together and just...