Indie Dev

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  1. MinisterJay

    Pre-Setting Up New Game File Size Reduction Technique (Custom Imaged Games)

    Be careful when implementing this technique, and ALWAYS make copies of ORIGINAL folders and files. First off, I love the MV Stripper Tool . It is awesome. I make custom games that use none of the graphics that come with MV's images found in the following folders: battlebacks1, battlebacks2...
  2. Hymmitjah

    Hello, all ^^

    Hello, new person here (obviously!X3). I've been creating with RM software for a while now, and made many maps (I love mapping) and unfinished projects. I acquired RMMV quite recently, so I plan on starting my previous VXA project all over since it will be easier to share my progress (web game...
  3. Victor Niklasson

    Oh hoy!

    Hey peeps. Just bought MV and wanted to get in the forums straight away to see what awesome things you have created and what i can contribute to this community. My name is Victor I'm Swedish and you can call em Hajja. Loved the RPG genre since i played FF7 and Baldur's Gate. I have some old...
  4. Xyphien

    New and Improved Help section!

    Hello ladies and gentlemen of this fantastic community! I am Xyphien, and I'm here to bring you... A NEW UPDATE! We currently have one help section for MV. I know this, and we will expand it more in the future once we get more members, and more questions being asked. This is not what I'm here...
  5. Xyphien

    Potential Future Theme?

    So, I was looking into some new Styles/Themes, and decided to give this a try. How would you all feel about something similar to this? *Of course RPG Maker MV* Will be changed to whatever banner we have at the time "Or edit it to match the size" You all want something more RPGish / RMish...
  6. DevoidOS

    Recruited Lethal!

    Sup y'all I'm LethalBlood aka Lethal and I've been using Ace for 2 years now but still haven't made a complete game cause laziness but pre-ordered MV 'cause I fell into the hype train. Mostly because of being able to use JavaScript instead of Ruby.
  7. Xyphien

    More Badges?

    Would you all like to see more badges, and if so, what would you like them to be about? Post your badge ideas below, and it could be added to the badge list :D