Indie Dev

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  1. Admiral Crayon

    Hello, I am me

    Username : AdmiralCrayon Name : Lord Goldon of the Spectrum lands, my friends call me Jesus because I can walk on cucumbers. Cucumbers are 98% water and Jesus can walk on water, therefore I am Jesus. Gender : Boy on mondays, overly manly on other days of the week. Hobbies : Video games...
  2. Mr_Swaggie

    Hi everybody :3

    Hi, I am new! That what the site made me do! :3(cat)
  3. SoulofMischeif

    New RM User

    Hey I'm new to RM but not new to the idea of game design I'm already working on my first game and have 3 maps finished
  4. Phaetum

    Greetings from the Neverscape!

    Hello there and thanks for checking out my intro thread! I'm Hannah, (or Phaetum, or if you knew me from RPGmaker VX Ace forums, Neverward.) an artist, writer, and developer of awesome ideas! I'm an avid gamer and have been since I had my portable PS1 at 7 years old. I love it all, RPG's...
  5. Albert

    Hi~ New guy here

    Hi, I'm Albert. I'm new to RPG Maker MV. Me and 2 others are planning to make a game of our own. I'm in charge of the sprites and animations. I hope to find a lot of resources we can use here, and I'll try to contribute as well.
  6. Kattunge


    Yes the forum says introduce yourself.... so as I listen to an inanimate object I get to at least say cheers! So..... Cheers.
  7. R

    Good day mates

    I know that sounds a bit austrian of me, but my favorite co-workers are austrian, however am Black! My names Anthony i am 23 years old, I've been messing around with RPG maker since idk middle school or so, i have started a total of 27 fan made games and only finished 2 lol, let's share some...
  8. SkullWolf

    Simple Intro About Me December Meadows

    I love making games and playing them. Currently I'm making a game with RPG Maker MV, yet I own every edition of the RPG Maker series because they all have there own unique twists. I'm learning to make tilesets and hope to post my creations soon. I have custom characters with many face...
  9. castagna

    Hello there! Ciao!

    I'm an italian university student who likes to "waste" his time making games with rpg maker instead of studying! I really like scripting, I'm learning how to make plugins and I love to make java programs to help me set comments and notetags easily. I wish to find something interesting on this...
  10. samorious

    How do you start a new Project

    Hello everyone, I was asking myself, how do you all start new projects, I am very interested in it, we might all learn a lot from each other. Personally I start with a small idea in my head. I write down the plot of the story and a short description. Afterwards I look at what way I want it to...
  11. W

    Hello All

    Hello all new to the site and to RPG Maker in general. I am primarily a Writer, but looking to learn to make games.
  12. NathakraGames

    The World of Nathakra: The Infernal Scar

    Hey all, long time RPG Maker tinkerer (started with RPG Maker 2000) but only since VX Ace have I become more passionate about it. I am currently in the middle of making my first full length, heavily story driven RPG based on a fantasy realm I created long ago called Nathakra. The story...
  13. RoyFrosty


    Hello, my name is andrew and I am new to RPGMAKERMV and hope to learn some new things! Please fill me in on this website.
  14. KjellGranlund

    Hello Community!

    I have been using RPG Maker since 95. I do best with creating maps and managing databases and things of that nature. I am terrible at creating art or stories. This has been my greatest barrier to making games. Though I never give up creating ne things for the fun of it. Well, I will keep this short.
  15. long88long

    shortcut keys

    Hi there, I am new of RM , When I try to make my first map , I spent a lot of time to fight with the tiles. Is there any shortcut keys for working with maps? Have a nice day!
  16. RPGcrafter07

    Hello Everyone!! I spreading my demo and this forum is next lol :)

    I assume this isn't where I post it, but I will be adding it to his site. I've used RM for years now, and have fallen in love with MV, its so flexible It blows my mind what I can do. So when I add this DEMO plz download it and give me feedback and if anyone wants to work with me on it, I'm def...
  17. Sorralia


    H-hello... I'm completely and utterly new here and to anything like this. I loved RPG Maker XP, though I'm sure I didn't know what I was doing more than half the time, and now that I have RPG Maker MV I'll have even more fun. I might even finish a game. :P This will be a whole new and...
  18. Allonon23

    Lost in a new world

    I am new to rpg makers. MV will be my second! I actually played the RPG Maker on PlayStation through an emulator and very much liked it. MV is a lot more complicated but it hasn't been to hard so far. Though a manual to explain some things would be appreciated. I consider myself to be a pretty...
  19. Knightmare

    Super Original Title Here

    Like everyone else who has posted before me, I'm new! Good to meet you all, and I hope to learn a lot while I'm here :D Also, what are the most needed plugins, character models, etc? What's your favorite thing from this site and what should I go download for my game?
  20. raymi100


    Hi. I'm new here ^w^ Some of you may know me from other RPG maker forums, but this is my first time joining this website. I hope to make some new friends here!