Indie Dev

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  1. Neil London

    New to the site and RPG Maker!

    Hello all! I am new to the site, obviously, and also new to RPG Maker MV. I spent some time on my "About Me" section and it really introduces me well so I'm just going to paste it here if that is okay with everyone! Since I'm very knew I'm here to learn what I can from everyone! Thanks! Section...
  2. Noesberry

    Well Hi :3

    Well hello there :) Noesberry here XD I am relatively new to RPG maker, but a fast learner. I have so many ideas which i believe this amazing thing can help me create. (ideas from creating my own campaigns from tabletop games). I don't have a specific genre that I play. I tend to play a wide...
  3. Mr. Gravel

    Yello' friendos!

    Hey everyone! I'm super glad I could make an account. I've been on multiple different projects. Most of which mainly as a writer, or just helping out with scripts, and modeling sprites. I have a bit of a background with RPGMakrer, but I've never actually made my own game using it. So, very soon...
  4. YoiYoiKokonX4


    One of my friends is an active RPG Maker user, while watching him work using MV as well as helping out with artwork and some writing, and asking many questions... I decided to join in the fun. I want to make an open world/map action RPG with an ABS system but I don't know where to start. Anyways...
  5. MinisterJay

    Win a FREE Custom-Made Digital Game Board Adveture Contest???

    I am thinking of making a different kind of contest. In this one people play a new game called "Win a FREE Custom-Made Digital Game Board Adventure Contest". At the end of the game, there will be a code. The participants give me the code. Those that have given me correct codes will be put...
  6. Garth One Eye

    Hey all!

    Not exactly new to the old editions MV looks exciting. Hoping to learn a lot here and maybe one day impressing everyone with a masterpiece!
  7. DaedraKyne

    New member arrived: THE GAMER!!

    Hey there, all of you rpg maker pros! I have a lot of projects in mind, but can't do it at all without you guys' help, so if you could help, it'd be wonderful ;) I'm a young member, and a bit of a newbie at rpg maker mv, so yeah, don't expect much for now XD If you want someone to test your...
  8. cub28


    cub28 here. I'm learning how to use RPG Maker MV and I'm really lovin it. Hope to make something that people will have a good experience on. <3
  9. Jacob Banks

    New here!

    Hey everyone I would like to formally introduce myself. THe name is Jacob and I am completely new to RPG Maker and game making. I hope that I can be of a help to someone and that you all can help me out as well. Here is to a new experience! ~Jacob Banks~
  10. Phil

    I Got RPG Maker MV What do I do now?

    Ciao GameMakers... I Finally got a copy of RPG Maker MV, I have been learning the tutorials and more and cannot wait to get one on that moment. But now after I got my Copy, I don't know what I should do, or should be doing... Can Anyone give me a tips on how to start on RPG MAKER? I am not...
  11. CWStudio

    Uh... Hi *waves*

    *sheepish* Um.. Hi :) Nice to meet you all, Um I'm CWStudio, short hand for CrescentWingStudio (It didn't fit LOL) most of my work is going into one game, it's well an unofficial unofficial squeal/sister/something game for Last of Us set in England. I really enjoyed the Game and felt like...
  12. Avarice

    Staple Introductory Post of Every Newbie

    This post will gain me the final 30% needed to complete my profile. Might as well do it right. RPGMakerMV Community, Hi! I am Aaron "Avarice" Sales. My main purpose here is to lurk and take resources. My next purpose would be to provide interesting insights and spark engaging conversations...
  13. SirCumferance

    I was told there would be Punch and Pi

    Greetings all, my name is SirCumferance and I am pleased to be part of these boards. I normally haunt http:// www. rpgmaker but thought to spread my wings. I am uber friendly, very helpful but not very skilled..... Now where is that phat lewt that I had to sign up for?
  14. RevJoystick

    Multiverse (Used to be called TimeLine)

    Hello! I Am making a game called Multiverse. It is about a few kids who sign up for an experiment on the human race. When something goes wrong, The kids rip a hole in the time space continuum and allow other universes to float into theirs. The timelines all create new universes, thus creating a...
  15. Nomios

    I'm New..

    Hello to everyone I'm glad to be a new member of the community!
  16. thegaspless

    A new RM player!

    Hello all I am VERY new to the rpg maker games but am really excited to meet a like minded community and get started creating a (hopefully) awesome game ;)
  17. Gemluv

    Yo..Gemluv here.

    Hey... Uh..sup? I'm Gemluv... I guess. I do music sometimes, art, and i'm probably making some darkish RPG MV games. ;) I guess if it's okay, shoot me a message on your stuff. Kool?
  18. Cynter

    I need help with my new RPG/MMO

    Hey, I need help with mah game c: 1# Is there a way I could make items(swords, axes, etc), armor, hats, necklaces, boots etc. appear on my character ingame when I equip them from my inventory? 2# How to make a skill levelling + xp gain (from combat and training) script or something... It could...
  19. CStowers23

    Cstowers23 on the scene

    I'm not much of a Programmer, Developer, and I might not spell to well but I can tell stories.
  20. Light Ain

    Hi everyone, I'm new here and learning, give me any tips for game making?

    Hello to you all, I've been using RPG Maker VX Ace since January and about two months ago I bought MV, I've been working on my new game and was hoping for some tips...?