Indie Dev

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  1. Skyrocker

    I am terrible at introductions.

    Right, let's get this started then. (I totally forgot I had an account for this community but I might as well make use of it now.) My name is Jano Visser, or Sky (I prefer Sky, honestly), I am 17 years old, live in The Netherlands and have been a proud user of RPG Maker since 2010/2011...
  2. Ya'kub Ayers


    Salutations from other worlds! I have come here to share the story of- you guessed it other worlds. In all seriousness, I believe I discovered RPG maker VX ace about 3 years ago (forgive my terrible memory) and I now am MV. I have been back and forth between multiple game engines and tbh I came...
  3. Swagazaki

    Hello Makers !

    Hi ! I'm a 21 yo French composer & web/print designer ! I'm not used to forums, but I love this kind of community. Btw, here's my (old) SoundCloud. There's some old tunes of mine. :)
  4. Terozu

    HI there!

    I'm Terozu, that's a portmanteu of Teru and Rozu, it means bright rose, I'm a newbie pixel, artist like super noob style, I'm working on a pirate game with no definite name yet, I found this site while looking for Ship tiles and I found ADV Ship here, it's an awesome tileset and it can be used...
  5. Str8studios

    Just upgraded to mv

    Hey there, just dropping in to say hi, new to this forum and just got mv. I primarily used vx ace before in a failed project called the gloom. I'm terrible at mapping and good at writing and eventing, and my goal is to just finish a straight forward eight level barebones rpg. Any pointers or...
  6. Bloodiris


    Hello, Bloodiris here. Just Iris is fine if you prefer that. :> I hopped on the RPG Maker ship during a few years ago in VX Ace, but I haven't done much aside from lurking. There was a huge gap of an year or so between my last opening VX Ace and using MV now, so I'm relearning...everything...
  7. Xocrona

    *Insert tittle here*

    I've been seing RPG Maker editions, anecdotes, etc ... and I told myself: "Hey, why don't you do your own game", and I was like: "Because ... because ... **** up yes", and now I'm learning (a little difficult, but I think I learn as a normal do), and then I end up here. I thought (Really not, I...
  8. Rilinku

    Long time tinkerer and lurker in the RPG maker community...

    Hi. I've been playing around with RPG Makers all the way back to RM95, but I've never made a full game and I've mostly just lurked the related sites in the background. I've got ideas, and I'm preparing to perhaps change that. I have no talent for music or coding and only moderate talent for...
  9. DestinyKitsuna

    Hi guys!

    So I guess I need to introduce myself so here goes. I'm DestinyKitsuna, newbie to RPG making! I'm 23 and working full time so making a game is going slowly but surely. I'll definitely be asking questions, watching tutorials, and hopefully complete a game someday.
  10. Jason Brady

    Hello Everyone!

    Just introducing myself, though I've been (unknowingly) utilizing the resources of the forum to learn to integrate my Javascript knowledge with the Game Maker engine for a week now. My name is Jason Brady here and on Nexus Mods (where I mostly did some Fallout 4 mod work a few months ago) as...
  11. Aisling Starr


    I'm kinda just here. Came here to the forums because I'll be working on a game called "Garandō" once I get the funds for a better pc and RPG Maker MV. ( If you'd like to check out the fundraising for it.) So, uh...Yeah. If you have any questions, let...
  12. Benjamin Spang

    Hey All!

    I'm new here, and haven't had much experience with RPGs but I am in love with story telling and plan to make these stories the strongest aspect of my games. I mainly chose games to convey those because I like the thought of the one who is experiencing the story having an equal part of telling...
  13. Takeo212

    Hey There~

    Hey. I've been using MV for a bit now, but I only really hang out on one site related to RPG Maker. I've came across this site alot lately, so I decided it was time I finally made an account ^^ I have some resources to share and feedback to be given, so I should hopefully become active around...
  14. Myst88

    Greetings all.

    Welp I'm new to this site. I've been messing around with Rpg Maker for roughly 3 years now. Sadly I have yet to complete a game, but hey I have fun making them at least. MV is my fave maker so far, and if I had to pick my favorite part of game making it would be mapping. I'm certainly not the...
  15. Leaferson

    Yet another new member

    Hey guys! I'm Leaferson. I've been messing with the RPG Maker series for years, but never actually developed a game. I was finally ready to create my first game on VX Ace, until I heard MV was coming out, promising features I really would love to use. So I waited. Now here I am! I'm a very...
  16. Chayke

    Chayke - I wonder if I could do this for a living without all the math

    Hi, I'm 25, and having made a game with rpgmaker partly I thought I'd look up the matter on google. I found this site on the Steam website and am looking to meet people. What's going on? I love art. I'm vaguely skilled as an author, having published a porographic collection on amazon's kindle...
  17. UnbornHexa

    Coming into the community

    Mornin' to you all pals, My name is UnbornHexa as I'm known in some places on internet. I'm new to the MV community,I have used a lot of RPG Maker before but I have retired from this kind of gaming making for some years now. I'm good at writing plot,making characters and anything you need to...
  18. Robert Lee

    Hello Everyone.

    I am Robert, English and living in Tralee; right on the west coast of Ireland. I have decided to give RPG Maker MV a go to see if I can actually complete the construction of a game. The two main characters are at the moment Robert of Brundle, a character named after myself and Sir Timothy of...
  19. SithDogma

    The Sith Knight of Ambivalence and Incessant Capitalization Is Here!

    Hey guys, on this site you may address me as Sith, as my handle is Sith Dogma. I have a passion for video games like all of you and I find the way a computer talks to be interesting. That said, I'm mainly a programmer, I am still learning the ropes but I won't give up anytime soon, or in the...
  20. Phaetum

    Greetings from the Neverscape!

    Hello there and thanks for checking out my intro thread! I'm Hannah, (or Phaetum, or if you knew me from RPGmaker VX Ace forums, Neverward.) an artist, writer, and developer of awesome ideas! I'm an avid gamer and have been since I had my portable PS1 at 7 years old. I love it all, RPG's...