Indie Dev

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  1. Roccstar1oh1

    Hello Folks!

    New to the forums, but not new to RPG Maker. Have been using VX Ace for a little while, thought i would join the community and get some more info about the new MV engine. I dont own the new Maker yet but am planning on buying it soon, and contributing to the community when i can. So having...
  2. Stefan


    Greetings, I've been working on/off with different iterations of RPG Maker over the last four or five years. I used RPG Maker VX Ace to make a game about how my fiance and I had met if it were set in FF6 style game and it was a wedding gift to our friends in the wedding ceremony the year...
  3. Drkvixn


    ...Hello fellow RPG makers! I'm new here (to both the site and RPG Maker) and just though I'd say hi. I'll admit learning to use all the little bits and pieces in MV is quite the challenge (finally learned today how to do some Parallax mapping! Yay me!). Still I'm enjoying learning about it...
  4. AlpacaCrow

    Hello fellow game makers!

    Just trying to introduce myself. I'm crow, and I like to make rpg maker games. The current one I have is rpg maker MV. I'm making a project about a stick figure who needs to get a loaf of bread to support for his family. But how is everybody else??
  5. HumanBLuE


    Whaddup beautiful people!? My name is Austin, and I am a nerdy friendly guy. Extremely excited about making my own rpgs! I am brand new to the program, however I have watched a lot of Rpg Maker VX Ace videos and tutorials. My artistic skills are not great, but it is, right now, my strongest suit...
  6. KvotheKingslayer

    Introducing Myself

    Hey everyone, just introducing myself to the community! Been using RM since XP, haven't ever finished or even released a game, though. Here's hoping I'll get around to it, one day!
  7. Sethorion

    This is Sparta

    Hey Peeps, RPG Maker MV is installing atm. I was a VX user, but never got very far. I'm going into Software Engineering at school though, so MV will be a fun thing. I'm a novelist, a designer, a coder/programmer, and a student. i will post projects as they are finished. Thanks for...
  8. links_wrathlv100


    Hello everybody! how are you all doing. I just want to say I love the RPG Maker series especially RMMV. I am currently making a game called "Azran's Busy Day". I already made a few dev builds here and there. as well as another project which I aiming for all ages, not sure when they will be...
  9. Panman14

    Hey guys! New Member Approaches!

    Hellos to the RPGMV community! My name is Panman14 and I specialize in music composition/production. I've always loved video games and i've grown to appreciate and conceptualize the development of games (especially RPGs). That being said, this is my first real time trying to do anything in the...
  10. MinisterJay

    Ole School RPG Player/Game Maker

    Hello, my name is MinisterJay or Lingkod Jay to my Asian friends. I first started playing RPGs in 1981, and started making my first mods in 1982. I have previously used RPG Maker 2003 and RPG Maker VX Ace. I develop educational, fantasy, sci-fi, and commercial advertising games. My...
  11. Khayalan

    Khayalan here ^^

    Hello everybody, im Khayalan and i come from Germany. At first something about me ^^ Im very young with just 14 years, but i was always interested in making Games :P Not long ago i decided to purchase MV when it will be released, and now im here I have to say im not very experienced in making...
  12. CM Games

    RM Lover here! CM

    Hi RMMV Community! obviously I'm new here. Others knew me as CM (my name initials) and my young gaming company CM Games. I already made 2 RM games in VXA yet still in development but hopefully one day I can release a game and share it with you all (demo). That's it for now I guess? well if you...
  13. HitokiriGensai

    'Sup all!

    Hello beautiful people! I've been toying with RM since VX was new, but never got serious enough on a project to see it through. Making a game has been my ambition since I was a kid, though, and I feel like this is the time for me to get a project off the ground. I'm a music producer, first and...
  14. EpicFILE

    Hello Everyone!

    Hello! I'm EpicFILE! Though it seems like I won't get MV anytime soon... (Because if I get MV, I need to get a new laptop too. xD) I hope I can still participate well in this community! :D
  15. sage

    Sage Here

    Hello! I'm sage, I live in Cali, and I was born in '94. I do a bunch of stuff in my free time, but not so much game-making. I'm more of an art person, and I spend most of my free time drawing. I started my own webcomic a few months ago, and I also make sprites and pixel art stuff from time to...