Indie Dev

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  1. ItsElemental


    Hello, there I just recently decided to try developing a game. This forum has been enormously helpful and i'm very greatful for that. I hope to see everyone around!
  2. Shadowstar


    Greetings everyone. I am a game designer and audio engineer with lots of experience in the various RPG Maker incarnations over the years. I develop games mostly as a hobby while working as an audio engineer for games. I also dabble in 2d art though my abilities there are currently limited by...
  3. Foreason1000

    Introducing the new Guy

    Hello , Just a new guy. Primarilty a programmer sometimes do other stuff. started with XP, laughed at Aluxes's Battler, never used VX, used VXace for a while then MV came out so i gave that a try. I'm Austrlain so don't mind if I say weird (but not rude) things.
  4. Prime Games

    *Insert Clever Introduction Here*

    Yo! I'm just a new game creator here who likes to think that they specialize in writing stories and settings and characters and what not. Just decided to say HELLO COMMUNITY!
  5. Julien

    Oi! - [introduction]

    Hello, guys! My nick is JROKS, my name is Julian. You know, i'm about 27 now, and I love RPG Maker since the first day I saw it. It was in a music contest, in my little hometown. I was just a little kid, Windows 2000 back then was everything everyone wished for Christmas but I was just having...
  6. Sgt.Dude

    Suh duuudes

    Wassup people, new to this site so I can make better games for me and my friends!
  7. Hondrus

    Chapter 0: Introduction

    Hi to everyone, it's a pleasure to join this community! (jolly) I joined you trying to make this community a reference point for my ideas. I hope you can read my name again, soon!
  8. RandomMakeGame

    I forgot to introduce myself(LOL)

    Hello,I am RandomMakesGame.I am a mapper for rpg maker mv.I make all kinds of maps parallax or maps created straight in the engine.If anyone is reading this I hope I can work with you in the future!!
  9. Zapchi

    Hello World... testing testing

    Hi! This is an introduction to ME! I'm Zapchi, some people just call me Zap, for efficiency. I am really excited to make a game using the RPG Maker MV engine, I've been obsessed with RPG Maker ever since I played Ib made in RPG Maker 2000. Stuff I'm fairly good at: Classical Music(My Forté)...
  10. Mr. Gravel

    Yello' friendos!

    Hey everyone! I'm super glad I could make an account. I've been on multiple different projects. Most of which mainly as a writer, or just helping out with scripts, and modeling sprites. I have a bit of a background with RPGMakrer, but I've never actually made my own game using it. So, very soon...
  11. Praygon

    Introductions and stuff

    Hey Everyone evening/morning. Im a amateur Pixel artist and even more amateur javascript coder guy supreme. I got into RPG maker MV recently after a long hiatus from RPG maker VX and im loving how much more convenient the new software is to use (you can store more tilesets than the default 5...
  12. Taylor

    A Brief Introduction.

    Hello, I am Mimicry, I intend to make original, unique feeling RPG's with RPGMMV, am working on a Crime/Mystery game, and this forum is making me do this. Sick place though, love the resources and open community. Ya'll are pretty cool. Feel free to drop ideas, if this thread gets hopping enough...
  13. Alicewantto


    I am learning MV recently! Here is the first step!
  14. Zesk

    Hey there! Just passin by!

    So, how to begin... Well, my experience with RPG Maker programs started around early 2000s when my oldest brother got RPG Maker for the Playstation. That's when my wee little self and my other brother began messing around with it and created some very laughable/enjoyable short games. Ever...
  15. NickTypeZero


    Hello everyone! I'm new to the RPGMV forum but I've been using RM since VXACE and love it! I feel my strongest aspect in creating games is music, so if there is anyone out there who would like to collaborate, send me a message!
  16. Crash Override

    Hi! I'm new here! ^_^

    How are all of you? The name is Crash Override, but you can call me Crash if you'd like. I am pleased to meet you all and I hope we all get to be the best of friends! My likes include (to get to know a little about me :-D) Hobbies Video Gaming Reading Novels & Manga/Comics Watching Anime and...
  17. Walker's

    Hi, This is Walker's Chapters

    Hail, fellow World Builders and Game Artisans, I'm Walker, and I am a fresh game maker and user of RPG Maker. A few days ago a friend gifted me this software, which I've wanted for a long time. This program is excellent because it allows me, a talentless twat who cannot draw, paint, compose...
  18. HatGuy

    Introduction/What's Up? + Dev help?

    Heya everyone! What's good? I'm the "HatGuy"! I'm a Finnish student, and I've been using rpg maker(s) to make little fun games since VX (so not that long ago). As of now, I've decided to make an actual full length game on the side of my other game project. I'd love it if I got some help on it...
  19. Monkeypiglet

    Hi! New musician and artist!

    Hi peeps. New here. Socially awkward.
  20. BenDemonator

    Huru From the "Guru" ("Burke's Backyard" reference there!)

    Damn right you are. And, I will be your teacher. And, yes, Ferris Bueller will be back and centre in the classroom, probably dozing off again. Hello to y'all. I am new to the whole RPG Maker MV realm, and I have just started utilising various resources to populate my new "project". It is in the...