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  1. Tsukihime

    Party Manager

    What's happening here is the idle party is an event that is hardcoded in the plugin with the stepping animation. All parties are created using this event, which is why all idle parties have stepping animation.
  2. Tsukihime

    Message keywords development progress

    Message keywords development progress
  3. Tsukihime

    HMS: Choice Display Mode

    Choices in message window requires the settings for the message window to be provided (specifically, position of the window). So the recommended workaround is to display an empty message if you absolutely need a "standalone choice" in embed mode. I have updated the plugin to provide an...
  4. Tsukihime

    HMS: Choice Display Mode

    Tsukihime submitted a new resource: HMS: Choice Display Mode - Customize the way choices are displayed Read more about this resource...
  5. Tsukihime

    RPG Maker HMS: Choice Display Mode Latest

    By default, when you present players with a set of choices for them to select, the choices will be displayed in a window separate from the message window. However, what if you wanted to present your choices differently in certain situations? This plugin allows you to display the choices...
  6. Tsukihime

    Window Background Colors

    Tsukihime submitted a new resource: Window Background Colors - Allows you to customize the background window color and opacity. Read more about this resource...
  7. Tsukihime

    RPG Maker Window Background Colors 2016-04-14

    By default, RPG Maker’s window colors are determined by two things 1. The windowskin file called “Window” in the img/system folder 2. A standard background opacity defined in the code So for example, the default windows are dark colored with a semi-transparent opacity. However, what if you...
  8. Tsukihime

    Game Dev Battle Contest

    I thought we needed to make a new game every round as well lol
  9. Tsukihime

    Game Dev Battle Contest

    Hmm undead. The only thing that comes to mind is an endless runner where your hero ends up in an undead world but doesn't realize it. Of course, this is because my quest giver will be the usual item shop keeper and the main protagonists will end up being Chimg and Acquire-chan again. Then...
  10. Tsukihime

    Game Dev Battle Contest

    I might submit something if an idea comes to me during the time frame
  11. Tsukihime

    Implemented new ATB mechanic:

    Implemented new ATB mechanic:
  12. Tsukihime

    Plugin Chrono Cross inspired menu

    While I'm moving into more scene/windows dev, I'm currently interested in custom menus. Building these menus have provided some insight into UI development, and should lead to some tools that make the creation process easier to do. Building a complete set of menus is quite a task, since there...
  13. Tsukihime

    Guest Followers

    Tsukihime submitted a new resource: Guest Followers - Allow non-battle actors to follow your party as guests. Read more about this resource...
  14. Tsukihime

    RPG Maker Guest Followers 2016-03-21

    In RPG Maker, you have a party of actors. You can add actors to the party, or remove actors from the party at anytime. However, by default, all of the actors in the party can be interacted with in the menu, and may participate in battle. There may be situations where you just want an actor to...
  15. Tsukihime

    No. You mean specifically for sprites?

    No. You mean specifically for sprites?
  16. Tsukihime

    Bug or Feature?

    Bug or Feature?
  17. Tsukihime

    Weapon Damage

  18. Tsukihime

    Weapon Damage

    Tsukihime submitted a new resource: Weapon Damage - Define weapon damage formulas and separate them from skill damage formulas. Read more about this resource...
  19. Tsukihime

    RPG Maker Weapon Damage 2016-02-06

    In RPG Maker, weapons can be equipped to actors. You can also equip them to enemies if you use plugins like Enemy Equips. Weapons can provide parameter bonuses like extra atk and agi, but you can't specify a damage value for the weapons themselves. For example, if you wanted to have the normal...
  20. Tsukihime

    Party Manager

    Tsukihime submitted a new resource: Party Manager - Create and manage multiples parties in your game. Read more about this resource...