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Party Manager 2016-02-01

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Praised Adventurer
Tsukihime submitted a new resource:

Party Manager - Create and manage multiples parties in your game.

In RPG Maker, you have a “party”. A party consists of a group of actors, an inventory of items, weapons, armors, and gold, and potentially some other information related to this group.

By default, you only have one party, which is what the player will control throughout the game.

This plugin provides functionality for working with additional parties.

1. You can create new parties. Separate parties can be used to represent different...
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Praised Adventurer
Exactly one of the things I was looking for! This allows the option to make a bunch of multi-party required maps to get through them. Great for making a deadly maze full of traps and bosses lol. Awesome work yet again, Hime!


Praised Adventurer
Fantastic! Only issue is when I switch parties, the other idle party(s) show their walk animations while standing still. How do I stop that?
A simple solution for that is to change the whole party's movement prior to swapping parties (I.E put the common event with that in there to stop the stepping or whatever you may want for them. This should work in theory but I have not truly tested it but it's worth sharing heh!) I know that you can do this for your main characters in the start of a game so I imagine it's possible this way too via the stuff controlling the party switching as well. Hope this helps some!
A simple solution for that is to change the whole party's movement prior to swapping parties (I.E put the common event with that in there to stop the stepping or whatever you may want for them. This should work in theory but I have not truly tested it but it's worth sharing heh!) I know that you can do this for your main characters in the start of a game so I imagine it's possible this way too via the stuff controlling the party switching as well. Hope this helps some!
How would I target the other party in the common event? I tried changing the movement just before the party changes but it didn't work. It would have to be done after the swap.
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Praised Adventurer
How would I target the other party in the common event? I tried changing the movement just before the party changes but it didn't work. It would have to be done after the swap.
Hm, it may be more complicated then I first thought then. I'll look more into this for ya and see if I can figure out a way to do this! (Hime prolly won't see these for awhile lol so I'll try helping here heh) I just figured that turning it off before the switching could do it but it may be something that's triggered after the swap and not actually tied to the party's characters at all (except visually of course lol). But yeah I'll let ya know what I find out with it xP I'm sure someone has some kinda tutorial somewhere.
[doublepost=1465498478,1465497284][/doublepost]Sadly, it doesn't appear to be possible. There may be some kinda script or plugin that you could use with it to stop the stepping animation. Hime has stated in the notes of the plugin that there is nothing that can be done with the idle party's on map indicator (event character) directly as of now, so this would include stepping which is prolly why my earlier suggestion there didn't work. Not sure if they plan on changing that to become an actual temp-event that can be interacted with but it seems that will be the only time stopping the stepping animation is possible. I've actually just checked with all my tutorial making friends and such and none of them think it's possible either heh.

One thing you may be able to try though if you haven't already. Try turning off the stepping animation "after" the party swap but in the same event or whatever that swaps them and see if that takes effect. I doubt it'd do any good but it's certainly worth a shot. Aside from that though, all I can suggest is trying to contact Hime directly through their website since it's most likely the best way to get their attention on this matter. (I've noticed that many of the more known plugin developers who have resources on here don't seem to reply for great periods of time when asked stuff on here. So that's why I say their websites are the best way if they have one that is heh)
[doublepost=1465498712][/doublepost]As far as targeting the other party and trying it that'm thinking a script call for whatever the name of the other party's ID would have to be the case there. Not sure how to do it though sadly since I'm nowhere near knowledgeable of scripts and such lol. I know only the most basic of things in that field.


Praised Adventurer
What's happening here is the idle party is an event that is hardcoded in the plugin with the stepping animation.
All parties are created using this event, which is why all idle parties have stepping animation.
What's happening here is the idle party is an event that is hardcoded in the plugin with the stepping animation.
All parties are created using this event, which is why all idle parties have stepping animation.
I see, so what you're saying is that there is no way to turn it off...