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Search results

  1. Enson

    In search of outfits

    Hi everyone! I'm trying to make a lot of unique characters for my game, but found very quicly that MV don't have a big inventory of outfits. Even by changing the colors I feel it's starting to get very repetitive. I bought the japanese generator parts on Steam, wich got me a lot of hair and...
  2. Enson


    A warm welcome to you!
  3. Enson


  4. Enson

    Oh! I hope you'll share with us those creations!

    Oh! I hope you'll share with us those creations!
  5. Enson

    Hello, everybody!

    A warm welcome to you!
  6. Enson

    Rising Hope, my first serious project

    Hello everyone! I decided to share with you my actual project. I played with RPG Maker ACE and MV for 2 years now. I feel enough confident to start something serious for my friends. Since I'm making this game for close friends and family members, I'm using some materials (images, musics) that...
  7. Enson

    Random battles or Not?

    (heart)(heart)(heart) Chrono Trigger (heart)(heart)(heart) This game was so epic! Something else, so special! In every way!
  8. Enson

    Random battles or Not?

    RPGs are, in some ways, linked to that leveling up concept. As a player, I like runing around to fight random monsters and get my heros better skills or make them more powerful. For me, it's kind of a fun part.
  9. Enson

    Random battles or Not?

    I love random encounters, but i'll say just like CraftGeek. If you can't make 5 steps without being attacked, it can be boring. Personnaly, too much encounters and I lost the track of where I wanted to go, especially in caves wheres it's dark. Right now I'm working on something different, with a...
  10. Enson

    Custom music delay

    Hello again CT_Bolt! I'll soon call you my personal hero, because the first you suggested link improved greatly the situation! I still have a 1 second delay for the music to start after a battle occurs, but I can live with that! Let just hope now that it will be my last problem...! :)
  11. Enson

    Game over

    This can be closed, since my problem was solved! Thanks again!
  12. Enson

    Custom music delay

    Hi everyone! I was really happy when I found the perfect music for my battle scenes on YouTube. So I was able to convert it to mp3 than made a copy in ogg and put the files in the BGM file and selected it in the system screen to be automatically played when battles occur. Now, the problem I...
  13. Enson

    Inn that don't revive knockout characters

    Great!!! Thank you so much! I can't wait work is over so I can test it! I'll update you as soon as possible! Thanks again!!! :) Hello again! I placed the file under C:\Users\User\Documents\Games\RisingHope\js\plugins thinking that would be enough, but must I do something else? I'm not sure how...
  14. Enson

    Hello everyone!

    This is very kind of you! :)
  15. Enson

    Hi, I'm Chef

    Good luck with your project!
  16. Enson

    I welcome you to me.

    Nice to meet you!
  17. Enson

    RMMV Posting Contest! (RMMV Resource Pack as Prize!)

    Ah that's nice! Thanks for the contest! 10
  18. Enson

    Inn that don't revive knockout characters

    Seriously?! Wow you are so nice! This is very generous!!! I can't wait to test it!!! But take your time! I appreciate it so much, sincerely!
  19. Enson

    Inn that don't revive knockout characters

    Hello everyone! I'm having a problem with a quick event for a Inn, in my game. The thing is that when characters have the knockout state, I want them to get revived only by using an specific item, accordingly to the scenario and the story. Right now, when the team use the quick event Inn, the...
  20. Enson

    Game over

    Oh wow thank you very much! I'll test that tomorrow as soon as I am back from work! I'll let you know! Thanks a lot! Finally, I decided to test this right away and it works!!! Wow thank you so much CT_Bolt, you helped me greatly!