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  1. Luninareph

    World Map Discussion

    There seems to be a lot of prejudice against world maps these days, although I'm not really sure why. I like being able to get a bird's eye view of the world I'm wandering around in, personally. It makes it easier for me to understand where things are in relation to each other than having a...
  2. Luninareph

    Damage Formulas 101 (MV Edition)

    All right, that worked! I have absolutely no idea what makes it more "correct" or "elegant" than Dad3353's formula, but if you say it's less likely to bite me later, I'll happily use it! Thank you very much :)
  3. Luninareph

    Damage Formulas 101 (MV Edition)

    Apologies, but this formula didn't work. It didn't crash the game, but it didn't apply any states, either. It's entirely possible I copied it incorrectly or you made an unintentional mistake, but I put it in my playtest and it didn't work.
  4. Luninareph

    Damage Formulas 101 (MV Edition)

    It works!!! b.isStateAffected(65) ? b.addState(32): b.addState(65); 0 I don't know which plugin caused it to need a damage portion, but without the ';0' it crashed again, but with the ';0' it was completely successful! Thank you so much! :D
  5. Luninareph

    Damage Formulas 101 (MV Edition)

    I'm afraid that doesn't work; it causes the game to crash ("Failed to execute 'createLinearGradient' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': float parameter 3 is non-finite"). I think this happens because there's no damage in that formula, but I'm not sure how to successfully add damage at the end of it.
  6. Luninareph

    Damage Formulas 101 (MV Edition)

    I'm terribly sorry, but I can't seem to figure out how to create this specific formula I want for the life of me. The attack is intended to inflict Slow on the target, unless the target already has Slow inflicted, in which case the attack inflicts Stop. I've tried several different formulae...
  7. Luninareph

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Did some modifications to ability sets that needed buffing, tightened up the dialogue in my intro sequence on a friend's advice, and added several new maps to my latest "dungeon"!
  8. Luninareph

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    I added a new town, the last playable character, and a bunch of little bugfixes and new NPCs and things like that :)
  9. Luninareph

    RTP Will-o-Wisp face image?

    It confirms that I do prefer the face to the full image, but it looks a bit blurry blown up that far. I think I'll keep using your full version for now instead. Thank you, though :)
  10. Luninareph

    RTP Will-o-Wisp face image?

    I don't hate it at all! I think it's fantastic! Thank you so much!!! I would still SLIGHTLY prefer just the face, simply so it better matched the other faces in the status screen, but this has just become my new placeholder! And if it should remain until the finished product, I would be quite...
  11. Luninareph

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Fixed a gamebreaking bug pertaining to TP... it took an annoying and inelegant workaround, but w/e, the game's playable again! Added new enemies, new attacks, new equipment, new NPCs, new sidequests, a new character... today was very productive :D
  12. Luninareph

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Ran the story all the way up through all the maps I've done this week and made three complicated skillsets functional. Also added a squintillion enemies to populate said maps; phew! Testing it all out right now, then sending it to my friend for playtesting!
  13. Luninareph

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    I made two more dungeons, finished my giga-dungeon, planned out my next plot points, and started adding new skills for upcoming characters!
  14. Luninareph

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Managed to work around the things that were cracking my game in half and now it seems to be functioning again! Also added in a sidequest dungeon and a new gigantor-map that, depending on how you look at it, is either one screen smaller than my ravine or WAY WAY BIGGER. Two-thirds of the way done...
  15. Luninareph

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    I added TP modes and class- and character-specific special attacks! Unfortunately, the TP formulae I made appear to break the game XD; Got to figure out how to fix that next.... Anybody know what notation I would use to call a random number in a Yanfly plugin formula?
  16. Luninareph

    RTP Will-o-Wisp face image?

    It came from here! All of the battlers are incredible. Thank you for that link! It's not perfect, but it will certainly suffice! If anyone finds something that more closely matches the RTP, that...
  17. Luninareph

    RTP Will-o-Wisp face image?

    Let me see... I think I did it right! Does that work?
  18. Luninareph

    RTP Will-o-Wisp face image?

    Has anyone made, found, or considered making a face for the RTP will-o-wisp battler? The one that looks like this: I'm not looking for a full faceset; just a single face would be sufficient. A sprite would also be fantastic, but is...
  19. Luninareph

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Today I finally finished proofing the next leg of my demo and I sent it to my friend to playtest! Specifically, I fixed a bunch of buggy things, smoothed out some dialogue, added some enemy attacks, and made another ruined town :)
  20. Luninareph

    What scripts would you like made?

    ...For some reason I assumed that box would give you the skill permanently! Thank you so much for telling me about that!!! Oh man, my life just got so much easier XD;