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Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today


Good grief, I added so many maps today. Very few of them are finished, but most of them have gotten some kind of work put into them, even if just a rough outline. I also finished the last third of my first dungeon, which I hadn't been looking forward to doing but went pretty easily, and created a new character and a bunch more skills!


yesterday i've been working on a sprite for my black and white noir game. got the basics done, but it needs more shading.
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what do you guys think?
I think it looks great!! Kind of makes me think of those old "Spy vs Spy" things, although that might just be the monochrome.

Today I finished some of the massive map influx from yesterday, planned the layout for the biggest two dungeons of the lot, and got about halfway through designing one of them. It looks atrocious, but A) I have plenty of time to refine the aesthetic later, and B) it's a poisoned gorge, it's supposed to look awful. That's my story and I'm sticking to it XD;


Praised Adventurer
Today I finished the second demo part for Tales of the Lumminai and have packaged it up and uploaded for testing! Demo 0.20 is out now heh. It took awhile just to finish all the events in the one level, literally just added one quest lol and a bunch of other stuff and it's quite long. The actual demo for Lucia's story is now roughly 40 minutes in length.

Took the time to add in a day/night cycle through common events and it works well with a calendar system I made with randomized weather. Oh the possibilities opened up big time with all that!


Towns Guard
I kinda just did the database by polishing some stuff, ading some new skills then testing in combats those tweaks.
I'm still in the middle of trying to find the core of my gameplay, for now it's focused on Mr.Triviel plugin because I want to repdroce something like in Tale of Phantasia.



Praised Adventurer
Today I started working on a set of tilesets for some scenes from the past in my project. Basically I'm gonna make it so the player can go into the memories of the spirits to see some of their past and how they came to be who they are now. It should prove interesting, but each spirit will have a different origin so need several new sets heh xD. The first is a viking themed set that I'd working on (although not the first spirit encountered).


Today I finally finished proofing the next leg of my demo and I sent it to my friend to playtest! Specifically, I fixed a bunch of buggy things, smoothed out some dialogue, added some enemy attacks, and made another ruined town :)


Staff member
Added more story line to one of my demos. Giving a little more detail and surprises. The full game will have over encounters, but I think twenty or so may be enough for the demo.


Praised Adventurer
Well I finished my "Longboat" for the Viking set today! I think it turned out alright for being the first piece I made entirely with my tablet!


I added TP modes and class- and character-specific special attacks! Unfortunately, the TP formulae I made appear to break the game XD; Got to figure out how to fix that next.... Anybody know what notation I would use to call a random number in a Yanfly plugin formula?


Praised Adventurer
After letting my son play-test the beginning of one of the projects, I corrected a major event from, action button to player touch.
lol I had to do that when I playtested my project. The doors seemed to bug so it was action button instead of touch.

Today I'll be adding in roughly 3 maps and like 6 new enemies with the potential of some new gen parts to fit a "pirate" look. Time to build up the port section of the game! (after this series of maps/events is done my game will be around 5% complete)


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Since I actually started development of an actual game (hear, hear!) there's quite a lot that I've added today. Mainly the map where the intro is going to take place. It's actually kinda funny since I don't have a real story and yet I already have a main theme composed and the first map done. I even created some characters already. But that's for a separate thread. Here's that map I made today though. ^_^


Praised Adventurer
Since I actually started development of an actual game (hear, hear!) there's quite a lot that I've added today. Mainly the map where the intro is going to take place. It's actually kinda funny since I don't have a real story and yet I already have a main theme composed and the first map done. I even created some characters already. But that's for a separate thread. Here's that map I made today though. ^_^
Looks like you have a good start on it lol. I myself just make things up as I go most the time heh so yeah starting out with no idea what I'm doing seems to be the common thing until the idea is fleshed out and starts to grow into something awesome. xD Never hurts to have the music beforehand either since with certain melodies you can easily match it with maps and such.

Today I've added in my transportation system (A carriage will take you to the side quest maps that are only accessible via transportation). In addition to that, I've started working on the next branch of the plot for Lucia's story, which will involve travelling to a pirate port!


Managed to work around the things that were cracking my game in half and now it seems to be functioning again! Also added in a sidequest dungeon and a new gigantor-map that, depending on how you look at it, is either one screen smaller than my ravine or WAY WAY BIGGER. Two-thirds of the way done with it now... phew!