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  1. Chaos17

    Change Event Graphic

    Thank you very much, I wil try asap!
  2. Chaos17

    Change Event Graphic

    Hello, I would like to know how I could use your plugin for my hero, please if it's possible.
  3. Chaos17

    Modern HUD - Persona 5 style

    Chaos17 submitted a new resource: Modern HUD - Persona 5 style - Modern HUD for SumRndmDde plugin HUD Maker - Pakc 2 Read more about this resource...
  4. Chaos17

    RPG Maker Modern HUD - Persona 5 style 2017-05-20

    This HUD was made and tested for SumRndmDde plugin HUD. It's a really easy plugin to use, you literally just kinda drag and drop your pictures and there is a serie of tutorials that will explain everything to you (link below). And the most important, you can use these HUD in battle too...
  5. Chaos17

    Modern HUD - Rainbow Wing

    Chaos17 submitted a new resource: Modern HUD - Rainbow Wing - Modern HUD for SumRndmDde plugin HUD Maker Read more about this resource...
  6. Chaos17

    RPG Maker Modern HUD - Rainbow Wing 2017-05-13

    This HUD was made and tested for SumRndmDde plugin HUD. It's a really easy plugin to use, you literally just kinda drag and drop your pictures and there is a serie of tutorials that will explain everything to you (link below). And the most important, you can use these HUD in battle too...
  7. Chaos17

    RaiseGamer - Get your game promoted by thousands for FREE!

    Well, look, I tried again. I am now listed as a support in my campaign XD
  8. Chaos17

    RaiseGamer - Get your game promoted by thousands for FREE!

    I don't know if it's a bug but I was able to support my own campaing XD
  9. Chaos17

    Substitue trait taking heal ? (solved)

    Ok, I solved the problem. Never again use that Trait in class but only as a skill and set it up as "Certain Hit".
  10. Chaos17

    Is there a plugin that allows sub folders in the Pictures directory?

    Check the plugin command instructions that are in the first post ;)
  11. Chaos17

    Substitue trait taking heal ? (solved)

    Hi, I've recently tested the substitute trait and I found out that when an actor with low HP try to use a spell to heal himself, my tank with Substitute trait will get healed instead ? Is there a way to avoid that ?
  12. Chaos17

    RaiseGamer - Get your game promoted by thousands for FREE!

    As surprising it can be, there're many lurkers on Reddit who don't vote (I got from time to time up to 100 people coming from that sub reddit on my personal blog). That's why I posted over there to show my support to the project ^^ But yeah, not seeing it being upvoted for unknow reason is a bit...
  13. Chaos17

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Today, I tested my SBS, I 'm in the process of restarting the project because of many reasons. I've commissioned some tweaks and today I noticed that one them needed a small plugin for it to be "showed" properly. Unfortunaly for me, the coder decided to go on break this week till summer...
  14. Chaos17

    New french guy

    Hello~ (heart)
  15. Chaos17

    RaiseGamer - Get your game promoted by thousands for FREE!

    Tried to post it on Reddit to show my support to the project but people didn't grasped the concept.
  16. Chaos17

    Is there a plugin that allows sub folders in the Pictures directory?

    If people are still interested, someone made a plugin :
  17. Chaos17

    RaiseGamer - Get your game promoted by thousands for FREE!

    Just remove the "http" If you really need an adress, all I have is just this :
  18. Chaos17

    RaiseGamer - Get your game promoted by thousands for FREE!

    Hi, Thank you for this nice plateform. I summitted my game but I can't edit my campaign.
  19. Chaos17

    A Beautiful Day In The Village

    Hi, What're your term of use for commercial and none commercial game ?
  20. Chaos17

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Today I worked on revamping the menu, so far what I did is : main menu, items and skills.