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Is there a plugin that allows sub folders in the Pictures directory?

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Hello, is there a plugin(or other way) to create sub folders in the img/pictures, and have them be recognized by the program? I am making a lot of custom images for my MV game and it would really help to organize certain assets into different categories. Thanks for any assistance.
Technically yes, it's a little technical but not by much.
Here's what you need to do. Have a transparent image in your picture folder, use this from now on in the event. Next (after you've installed the below) end this script:
LordBonesImageSwitcher([PICTUREID],"[IMAGE LOCATION]");
for example:

Then when ever you want to change the image you simply reuse that line. You'll probably need to use that after every picture event set as the image below because you're basically overriding the array these pictures are stored in however it is possible.

Plugin code:
function LordBonesImageSwitcher(pictureID,newPicture){
    if(pictureID <= 0 || pictureID > 100){ console.log("You're over the limit btw"); }
    $gameScreen._pictures[pictureID]._name = newPicture;

Then here's three images of use. If you want a transparent image just mention it and I'll upload that too:

It's not the most elegant but it works lol.

Update: If you're using these a lot and you see flicker I might be able to make another peice of code to stop that.
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That's a cool idea, but a big hassle for someone like me. The way I organize pictures is with tags in the file names. [Character], [Battler], [Background], [Effect], etc.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
That's a cool idea, but a big hassle for someone like me. The way I organize pictures is with tags in the file names. [Character], [Battler], [Background], [Effect], etc.
I think I would prefer this way as well, it feel right. I also feel the more subfolders you have the more of a performance impact, but that's just a guess I've never used subfolders for organizing.
I doubt subfolders would do much for performance because to the operating system there is no such thing as a folder... it's just a file with a pointer.

However this is why:

That's nowhere near enough space. When I transition to a picture based system I'm using sub folders because I'll need 240 image per bar, there are 6 bars currently, 74 images of action circles, there are 5 I think now, along with letters, numbers and character images etc... all to make this:

Not flicker as it does for some reason when I change the contents of a window in the scene. Pictures and an event would fix this however I'd prefer not to have over a thousand images just on a big list lol

Has it's uses and the picture select thing is certainly a missed opportunity for organisation.
Interesting plugin, however I've installed it and can't find out how you can change the pictures?

Seems to be for character stuff but not pictures maybe?
Yeah I did... If there's a way to change a picture graphic then how? Where do you put the note and how do you refer to the picture? It's not like there's notes on pictures.

Would appreciate if you could quote the way to do it.
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