Technically yes, it's a little technical but not by much.
Here's what you need to do. Have a transparent image in your picture folder, use this from now on in the event. Next (after you've installed the below) end this script:
LordBonesImageSwitcher([PICTUREID],"[IMAGE LOCATION]");
for example:
Then when ever you want to change the image you simply reuse that line. You'll probably need to use that after every picture event set as the image below because you're basically overriding the array these pictures are stored in however it is possible.
Plugin code:
function LordBonesImageSwitcher(pictureID,newPicture){
if(pictureID <= 0 || pictureID > 100){ console.log("You're over the limit btw"); }
$gameScreen._pictures[pictureID]._name = newPicture;
Then here's three images of use. If you want a transparent image just mention it and I'll upload that too:
It's not the most elegant but it works lol.
Update: If you're using these a lot and you see flicker I
might be able to make another peice of code to stop that.