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  1. Forgottensage

    Old project on hold. Working on side project

    I find that if you keep a side project, you will end up getting ideas for the main project that you got from the side, and vice versa. keeps me productive.
  2. Forgottensage

    Old project on hold. Working on side project

    My old project is on hold for the moment, i am just having trouble with ideas at the moment and will come back to it later. For now im starting a new project called monster quest, its about a person who ends up in a new world from japan after dying in their sleep, A god in the world offers him...
  3. Forgottensage

    Think imma start up a new side project, my other one is on hold till i get the inspiration to...

    Think imma start up a new side project, my other one is on hold till i get the inspiration to continue it.
  4. Forgottensage

    On piracy

    Personally i agree with you, piracy hurts game developers, this being said, i have pirated before, but that is usually when they refuse to release into the united states. Over all, my favorite model, is the donate model, where you donate what you think the project is worth or what you could...
  5. Forgottensage

    On piracy

    In an ideal world, piracy would not exist. However this is not an idea world, so here is the question. What would you prefer happen with ties to piracy, (Note: Stopping piracy is implied already, piracy hurts alot of people, but that is not the point of this question) For example, If a pirate...
  6. Forgottensage

    Lol, thanks :D Have to love ninja stalking.

    Lol, thanks :D Have to love ninja stalking.
  7. Forgottensage


    Welcome to one of the best communities around, i hope you find what you are looking for here!
  8. Forgottensage

    i would be happy with the basic one that fft uses, but any srpg would work

    i would be happy with the basic one that fft uses, but any srpg would work
  9. Forgottensage

    YES, Lots of people in fact, quite a few posts asking for such, such as mine. If you succeed...

    YES, Lots of people in fact, quite a few posts asking for such, such as mine. If you succeed, please let me know so i can promptly worship the ground you walk upon.
  10. Forgottensage

    Do games inspire you to make/work on your project?

    Yes, it is a good source of inspiration, seeing what ideas others have put into their games. SRPGs have this effect on me more then others however.
  11. Forgottensage


    Welcome, This is one of the friendliest forums i have been too so i am sure you will fit in well. Can not wait to see what you accomplish!
  12. Forgottensage

    Such a shame we may never see another phantasy star release in the us.

    Such a shame we may never see another phantasy star release in the us.
  13. Forgottensage

    Designing a new battle system

    I will worship the ground you walk upon if you can make something like that, been looking for an mv alternitive for "GuibD's tactics system" for awhile now.
  14. Forgottensage


    FALM or "Fallen Angel and the Legendary Mage!" is the current game that i am designing. FALM: Arena is sort of a demo, and a stand alone game all in itself. You will have access to all special systems, a pet trainer, a class trainer, an inn, an arena where you fight enemies at your level, and a...
  15. Forgottensage

    Yanfly is the patron saint of plug-ins. Just when i think it cant get any better, the out do...

    Yanfly is the patron saint of plug-ins. Just when i think it cant get any better, the out do themselves.
  16. Forgottensage


    Thank you, this will help quite abit. Was planing to use it to differentiate between two different characters with the same classes.
  17. Forgottensage


    Nice! Thank you, and looking forward to using this great resource! Also on a side note, not sure if it works, but it seems like this would go perfectly with yanfly's passive states in that you would be able to buy passives. If i might make a request, i was wondering if you could make a...
  18. Forgottensage

    Need inspiration: Skill ideas

    already have something like that in place, but thanks for the idea, back stab is already armor penetrating, so triple damage is a bit much for a passive, so i made it double instead. Anyways, i know it seems like its a bit complicated but it rely isnt. My objective for this game is to add enough...
  19. Forgottensage

    Need inspiration: Skill ideas

    The equip system is different in this game. There is no armor, or weapon, but gems and objects that increase different aspects. Think final fantasy 7's machina system. you can equip 11 in total, and based on the combination of gems and or objects, you may unlock a special passive.
  20. Forgottensage

    Need inspiration: Skill ideas

    Thank you for the ideas, i will definitely use them. Yes, however this is extremely weak, as they have eschewed healing and support for more combative magic