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  1. Forgottensage

    Need inspiration: Skill ideas

    Alright, the story takes place on 3 planes, Jeleka the heavens, therin the mortal world, and Infernia the underworld Jeleka is a world of low tech but high magic, Jeleka was the first world, and the source of all magic. Jeleka is ruled by a hierarchy of angels, and much to the confusion of...
  2. Forgottensage

    Need inspiration: Skill ideas

    Thank you for the ideas, the reason i asked without any information is because i want to know whatever ideas that come to mind, for example i will probably use give everyone a raise (thank you for the idea btw) as a rouge skill called bribe.
  3. Forgottensage

    AI controlled guest party member

    looking for them to battle but i want the ai to control it. Think FFT where you gain a party member that fights, but you cant tell it what to do, thanks Closed, figured it out myself, looks like auto battle under others tab attached to an ally works like a charm
  4. Forgottensage


    This looks amazing, but i must ask, is there any way to incorporate the JP plug in from yanfly as i dont want to have to manage so many different resources?
  5. Forgottensage

    I think, therefore I lurk

    Welcome, I hope you find what you are looking for, and I can't wait to see your future works!
  6. Forgottensage


    Welcome to one of the best communities ever, cant wait to see what you accomplish!
  7. Forgottensage

    AI controlled guest party member

    I have need of AI controlled party members who will join the main quest as a guest for some time, anyone find anything like this?
  8. Forgottensage

    2.5k member giveaway!

    That's awesome, more people the better!
  9. Forgottensage

    Alas, I have run out of ideas, hopefully someone helps me out.

    Alas, I have run out of ideas, hopefully someone helps me out.
  10. Forgottensage

    Need inspiration: Skill ideas

    I have hit a rut unfortunately, i just have too many classes, that need too many skills. So i am asking our fair community to post your skill ideas. Any skill ideas will do, whether from your own game, or just ideas you have been pondering on, i just need a bit of inspiration. Thank you.
  11. Forgottensage

    Wow, this sucks. One of my plug-ins is causing all element attacks to do 0 damage, and i dont...

    Wow, this sucks. One of my plug-ins is causing all element attacks to do 0 damage, and i dont know which.... time to test everything.
  12. Forgottensage

    Need help: Percentage damage

    Good idea, ill have to try that out, also, i attempted to use the formula you gave me, it doesnt seem to work, Mind giving me a sample i can use to correct mine? Edit: Found the isue, thanks
  13. Forgottensage

    Need help: Percentage damage

    Thank you for the formula, i was planing on using an abstract way of mentioning damage, such as (Fireball: Medium fire damage, 2 hits) but i like the idea for the plug-in.
  14. Forgottensage

    Running out of Plugin Ideas

    If you wouldn't mind helping me out, i would like a plug in that adds or reduces percentage damage based on stats, for example, if you attack for 10% damage, and you have 10 defence adding 10% you would end up dealing 11%, the enemy has 20 def, reducing it by 20% he now takes 8.8% damage
  15. Forgottensage

    Writing template idea.

    Not much there, but i added an advance tab, more will be added later, if anyone has an idea for templates please let me know.
  16. Forgottensage

    Personality Quizzes

    Neutral Good Elf Fighter/Sorcerer (2nd/1st Level) Ability Scores: Strength- 12 Dexterity- 13 Constitution- 17 Intelligence- 14 Wisdom- 15 Charisma- 13 INTP - The "Engineer" Temperament: NT (Intellectual) Genin Bujinkan Illinois Genin--you are the heart and soul of the clan. You are the one...
  17. Forgottensage

    Admins Engagements?

    Balance in all things, I think an admin should be trying to even it out as best possible as both are equally important.
  18. Forgottensage

    Need help: Percentage damage

    An idea popped into my head, why not have damage on skills be percent based instead of a regular format, this would allow 1. all skills to be useful throughout the game 2. make balance easier via, no more formula However one thing prevents me from doing so, this would make attack, M.attack, and...
  19. Forgottensage

    I need to learn how to code at some point.

    I need to learn how to code at some point.
  20. Forgottensage

    Looking for an overkill system

    Looking for an overkill system, similar to that which is found in many SRPGs where the more damage past there remaining health, the more you are rewarded, if anyone has something like this, please tell me. Thanks