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Need help: Percentage damage

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An idea popped into my head, why not have damage on skills be percent based instead of a regular format, this would allow
1. all skills to be useful throughout the game
2. make balance easier via, no more formula
However one thing prevents me from doing so, this would make attack, M.attack, and both defense skills rather useless or only useful when doing a base attack.
So my question is this,
1. Is there a plug-in that lets me have the defences lower the total percentage being dealt, and my attacks add a percentage to the damage? (for example, say i have an attack that deals 10%, with an attack of 10 it adds 10% extra, bringing the total to 11%, the enemy has a defence of 20, reducing the percent by 20% now he takes 8.8%)
2. Is there a way to do so without a plug-in
3. Do you have a better idea on how to balance this?

Thanks in advanve


try using b.mhp or b.hp on formulas to deal porcentage DMG.
I will do it for the skill you said at 1
a attack that does 10% of enemy heath or max health formula: b.hp * 0.1 or b.mhp * 0.1
Increase the porcentage by 1% based on the atk (+1% or * 10% each 10 points): b.mhp * 0.1 + a.atk/100 * b.mhp or b.mhp * 0.1 * (1 + a.atk/100)
Decreace it based on enemy armor: (b.mhp * 0.1 * (1 + a.atk/10)) * (1 - b.def/100)

The bad thing is that you cant know the DMG it will do (as a player) so i would stick with small mhp porcentage skills that are not good against normal monsters, but are good against bosses and maybe conditional skills that do a porcentage of target's actual hp as a damage. Unless someone do a damage preview plugin while selecting a target i wouldn't recommend using variable porcentage skill.
Thank you for the formula, i was planing on using an abstract way of mentioning damage, such as (Fireball: Medium fire damage, 2 hits) but i like the idea for the plug-in.


Thank you for the formula, i was planing on using an abstract way of mentioning damage, such as (Fireball: Medium fire damage, 2 hits) but i like the idea for the plug-in.
not sure if you are saying that the case is solved or that you wanted another thing.
if you want to make the formula only once you can use yanfly damage core and place a formula like the one i did on the global damage formula, then associate it to a variable. (like using that formula for a medium DMG).
lets say you associated it to the variable 10. Everytime you want a skill to have that dmg you can just type v[10] in the place of the formula.
or if you want to use common events to deal the damage you can associate b.index() to a variable in the global formula and use script calls to use the variable as the monster ID (this way it will affect the last enemy you hit) and you could just call a common event to deal the bonus dmg of your choice.
Good idea, ill have to try that out, also, i attempted to use the formula you gave me, it doesnt seem to work, Mind giving me a sample i can use to correct mine?
Edit: Found the isue, thanks

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