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  1. BlueByt3


    Wow. This is your own plugin? Much amaze! This work perfectly fine for my needs. I could use this to remove the party members like shown in the Picture. Also I managed to get the else-branch working with the add item from the game I know how this works too. Everything works fine...
  2. BlueByt3

    Adventures of a Dragon

    This game will be a huge hit.
  3. BlueByt3

    Adventures of a Dragon

    will there be a guy with monocles?
  4. BlueByt3


    Thats pretty cool, I think I get it and will try it out in short. I've should've come up with that conditional branch for checking the actor id to see if he is allowed to use the item. I think the problem is still, if I make it like this it keeps increasing the party size still. You know what I...
  5. BlueByt3


    $gameVariables.setValue(1, $gameParty._targetActorId); what does it do? :) I need something else. I only want the main-actor to be able to call 1-2 more companions. So i have to remove actor 2 + 3 whenever they either die or when an item to call another member is used =/...i cannot limit...
  6. BlueByt3


    I achieved the thing I wanted like this Now I will add more of these If branches to go and check for other items instead
  7. BlueByt3


    lol it worked...i did not use it as plugin but as script direct in the common event - whats the difference? shouldnt it work the same only that plugin is like some kind of include...
  8. BlueByt3


    Thanks a lot kind sir, Lord Bones. I will test it and get back to you later. Hi, I still don't get what I should put instead of the 1 and what this function actually does. Is it right to assume that it doesnt matter what function as long as it calls on an item that is used and writes its...
  9. BlueByt3


    Hey, thanks for your fast reply. I will try this after work - but from the looks I am not sure if it does what I want it to do. Simply put: I want to get item_id of the item I used (in or out of combat). So I can save it into a variable and then use the variable to check it with other...
  10. BlueByt3


    Hi there, I wanna apologies beforehand because I will use your help a lot I suppose. So I was trying something to decrease workload ...instead of using 1 million common events for 1 million items to use and event on each specific one - i wanted to use 1 common event for 1million items. J/k but...
  11. BlueByt3

    Enemies Sage's Battlers

    =(, i like your style, I was really hyped over animated ones ~huff~ nevertheless, cool stuff!
  12. BlueByt3

    Enemies Sage's Battlers

    are these going to be animated battlers like these from yanfly? I really would love to have kind of these ones. I am definetly going to use them for what I have planned. If you still need suggestions for what kind of battlers my...
  13. BlueByt3

    Ideas I need you to have a look at

    Ok thanks I will look them up and see if i can get into this
  14. BlueByt3

    How do you start a new Project

    In my introduction I already told you about me being very creative/conceptionist (is it even a word) - thats how I got my past projects going (nothing finished and none are rpg maker projects). So its basically me watching anime/playing a game, sitting on the toilett, taking a shower....I dont...
  15. BlueByt3

    Adventures of a Dragon

    Thats awesome. Remembers me on a manga....what was the end he has to "destroy" the world to save it. Haha, or kinda like my balls manga... where isnt allowed to jerk o ...oh well....whatever... :) I'm curious how these scenes are put into action...really cool BlueByt3
  16. BlueByt3

    Crafting in your Game

    Hello, very interesting question. I havent read all the posts, because I'm kinda lazy when theres a wall of text - so let me put my input on this here too. Crafting is very interessting. But what is its purpose? Obviously its either to prolong the game in its process, to reward the player for...
  17. BlueByt3

    I need help with the name of my game.

    I there depth to it? I mean, this sounds really short - like - He killed one of us. so we will kill him and while we are at it we either kill more of his kind or even save the world - kind of story about you put some twisted aspect in there and make something like "Adrians Legacy"..but I...
  18. BlueByt3

    Ideas I need you to have a look at

    Hey guys, I'm new and I got a bunch of ideas I need you (more experienced RPG creators) to have a look at, how to approach these. I want to make something likes this: Different Classes with Skill Trees: I have only found japanese skill tree plugin - Do you have a better idea how to put this...
  19. BlueByt3

    Scaling Enemies

    fighting less often but more intense with higher level reward could brush away the feeling of "grinding".
  20. BlueByt3

    Inspiration For Short Online Side-Game

    You could go and make a day-time related event that at night you turn into a dragon or a certain status intoxication level rises and you are cursed to turn into a dragon. Other from that the first idea with a personality problem and a journey to find yourself is kinda like Tyrael from Diablo 3...