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Search results

  1. BlueByt3


    Yes, that is correct. I want to have SV Monsters for animated actors :^) you got that right. I am found out. Now I gotta start from scratch and think of something new. damn. j/k For now I am looking for all kind of monsters - for a demo (just optical differences). I don't need any specific ones.
  2. BlueByt3

    Hello everybody :)

    Hey there, if you ever have the struggles to get something through from german to english, I'm glad to help ;) - even so my english isnt perfect either. Have fun on the forums/Viel Spaß!
  3. BlueByt3

    Battle Effects with duration (rounds)

    Hey, is it possible to have Skills that last over x rounds. I do not mean states - I need bigger images that hover beside the user on the battle screen for some rounds or even attack animations for these. Lets say orbs or a weapon summon, that attacks the enemys over x rounds. Do you have any...
  4. BlueByt3


    Hey, I need all kind of battlers since I use summons I prefer monsters...animated battle sprites
  5. BlueByt3

    Add-Party-Member in Fight

    This is solved now too and was related to Item_ID thread from me - LordBones solved it. The code wasnt wrong I messed up the variables.
  6. BlueByt3

    sure just add me on skype taracoticj0ker

    sure just add me on skype taracoticj0ker
  7. BlueByt3


    I use side-view battle system that comes with RPG Maker MV. No further plugins, so far. Here Some Pseudo Code: Variables: 0001 Item-ID 0002 Actor-ID 0003 Target-ID Skript: LB_UpdateVaribles(-1,-1,-1, true); Text Item ID: \v[0001] Actor ID: \v[0002] Target ID: \v[0003] If Actor ID=1 {...
  8. BlueByt3

    Add-Party-Member in Fight

    Ill have to look into this with the controll switches might be interessting, but fact is - Ill be using plenty of actors that'll be summoned from item inside and outside of battle switching whenever a new item is used (max +1 actor) and a class that can summon and desummon those monsters as a...
  9. BlueByt3

    yes when the wrong person uses it - as always Ill have a look into what you adjusted - I am very...

    yes when the wrong person uses it - as always Ill have a look into what you adjusted - I am very grateful for your hard work on this. Thank you a lot
  10. BlueByt3

    Save battle actor ID in a variable

    Hi, I think this might help: For your skills items calls etc. also take a look at my thread with Lord Bones -> for Actor ID From these...
  11. BlueByt3

    Add-Party-Member in Fight

    Hey guys, I am working on some class mechanics at the moment and one is calling on a Party-Member Summon so to say. I am using $gameParty.addActor($gameVariables.value(4)); // 4 is variable with the ID of the member i want to call afterwards I use Summon ID: \v[0004] to check for the ID...
  12. BlueByt3

    Also if I use an item outside of battle and add a monster, then enter battle and try to swap it...

    Also if I use an item outside of battle and add a monster, then enter battle and try to swap it with different monsters (items) it returns the correct variables but still runs the else-branch also I do not get the items back via elsebanrch. Seems to not work in battle either...with...
  13. BlueByt3

    Ok, Ive added the plugin via plugin-manager. OVerwrote the script code with...

    Ok, Ive added the plugin via plugin-manager. OVerwrote the script code with: LB_UpdateVaribles(-1,-1,-1,true); and in Plugin Manager I set it to : 1 2 3 false false. Outside of battle it works - inside I still go through the else branch. :( Also while in battle, I return now all 3 variables...
  14. BlueByt3

    Adventures of a Dragon

    The sprite is cool but I think the hair could need rework, in the picture above it looked more spikey on the hairends. Also the hair to the left on her forhead is not to be seen. In your sprite it kinda looks very structured and not so bed-hair. Also the eyes give of a different feeling about...
  15. BlueByt3

    I'll see into this and report back at you by tomorrow :) thanks a lot

    I'll see into this and report back at you by tomorrow :) thanks a lot
  16. BlueByt3

    Search: Laboratory + Steampunk Tiles

    Not sure if I am sure myself x) is it steampunk what I am lookin for or...I wanna go for some alternative reality in a future kind of setting... tbh I only have thoughts for the laboratory but not for the world above ground...and the nature... I want the world to still have beautiful nature but...
  17. BlueByt3

    Search: Laboratory + Steampunk Tiles

    Hey, thanks. Those are really cool- but I am looking for something more future-orientated and more scientific. That gives the feeling of some Gene-Manipulation laboratory or stuff like that...water tanks, microscopes, computers, desks, flippcharts maybe, charts for the walls, or big screens for...
  18. BlueByt3

    Search: Laboratory + Steampunk Tiles

    Hey, I decided to go with steampunk universe and some future setting. I need some kind of laboratory and city tiles. If you have something in mind, I would appreciate your help :). For laboratory would be cool to have some sort of water tanks where I can place sprites in or stuff like that...
  19. BlueByt3

    Maybe I should not use key items

    Maybe I should not use key items
  20. BlueByt3

    hi, i do not use anything so far beside what I posted and your script as plugin. When I enter...

    hi, i do not use anything so far beside what I posted and your script as plugin. When I enter battle and try to consume a key-item with the monster-event it gives me back the text-window message of the correct item id used but then it goes to the else branch and act as if it is not actor id 1...