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Search results

  1. Cloud Knight

    fallout 4 ?

    fallout 4 ?
  2. Cloud Knight

    Continue the Sentence!

    then gets dunked on
  3. Cloud Knight

    Revenge of the Evils - A Great Crossover game

    i like it ! dat hidden snoopie tho! keep up the great work, will you be transferring this project into mv ? or will you be doing something complely new and this is just to pass the time ?
  4. Cloud Knight

    I'm Doing It... Ask Me Anything

    my question to you of this day and time is. what color are the socks are you wearing at this moment when you read this. shhhh don't judge me
  5. Cloud Knight


    Welcome To The Community ! enjoy your stay here, and jump in some conversations. we don't bite. well at least not i. i can't speak for anyone else.
  6. Cloud Knight

    Greetings, Kings to you Yanfly~

    Welcome To The Community !!! Drifty! hope to see some of your content soon™
  7. Cloud Knight

    oh la la, i have yet to get mine. still brainstorming on what should i call it. sense it would...

    oh la la, i have yet to get mine. still brainstorming on what should i call it. sense it would be producing games. hmmmmm.
  8. Cloud Knight

    My To-Do List

    nice list. the forum has already been up to a great start, plus it is looking very active, even in the late times of the day / night. with more and more updates and side promotion, it's only a matter of time for this place to blow up like some T&T. keep it up.
  9. Cloud Knight

    Forum Collab RPG Maker MV Game!

    TRIPLE PLOT TWIST !!!!!! not only was the evil twin with us the whole time, while making everyone believe the good Xyphien was evil and captured using that as a plot to kill us. HE also had ANOTHER EVIL TWIN which he cloned in the laboratory encase his evil plan's went south, he could have...
  10. Cloud Knight

    Forum Collab RPG Maker MV Game!

    plot twist....... the real one is with us the whole time. but had his memory wiped temporarily, he needs a jolt to get it back and the clone, that we think is him. is actually evil, but he tricks us all so he can set us up to die after we save him!!!!!
  11. Cloud Knight

    Forum Collab RPG Maker MV Game!

    so much win, in this 1 post. poor xyphien, he has been captured and thus cannot set himself free. that is a very good question perhaps our brothers @LTN Games & @Trumully could explain sense i just took a -20 dmg hp loss, from xyphien's critical hit, which stunned me from the fight for 6 turns.
  12. Cloud Knight

    Q&A With A Royal Knight !

    a knight of course ! my fine gentlemen! now if you wouldn't consider, "knight" as a class. then probably a paladin or warrior.
  13. Cloud Knight

    Diving Into The Mobile Market

    forgive me if this is the wrong, place to post this. was either here or general discussion. sense this is about mv i figured here, but if not may a mod please move it to the correct location. i posted a brief couple sentences. in the character thread, but i figured why not create a thread of...
  14. Cloud Knight

    MV Character Gallery

    anyone besides me, going to try and make a game with these characters ? actually we can sell the game with them cause we get their licences too. hmmmm. android exporting opens up so many options, but then using pre determined artwork is so lazy. but at the same time, your getting the product...
  15. Cloud Knight

    Ask Amy Anything

  16. Cloud Knight

    He's OP BOSSNESS!! although @[1:@Xyphien] did say in his ama he was going to make a section so...

    He's OP BOSSNESS!! although @[1:@Xyphien] did say in his ama he was going to make a section so other's can apply which i will apply myself then get respectfully turned down. then i shall be in the corner with my thumb in my mouth shedding tears of meekness.
  17. Cloud Knight

    Ask Amy Anything

    woot! a maybe in the future is better then rejection. victory is mine !
  18. Cloud Knight

    Ask Amy Anything

    seeing all your art, makes me want one a avatar. i asked this question previously, but for the sake of it i shall try again. in a new way of course. uhem....... oh lovely women of cute art design. may i this royal knight pm you a picture of myself. so thy could draw me an avy ?
  19. Cloud Knight

    Ask Amy Anything
