Indie Dev

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Search results

  1. Cloud Knight

    lil intro movie I made

    with windows movie maker, yeah that's pretty much as well as you can do. not to bad though, if it's suppose to be a cut scene. you can probably do better with mv, cause then you can have the camera scroll around the town. while using voice to text. then transparent in a picture ect. but not to...
  2. Cloud Knight


    hahah no, it's like an inside joke with ltn but with his response it had me curious.
  3. Cloud Knight


    Do You Wear Socks ? don't judge me
  4. Cloud Knight

    Mod Campaign Has Begun!!

    best of luck to whoever wins! but let's keep it as friendly as possible and not let it change a thing to the community or to the other's that will end up loosing. we should so be able to vote anonymously like how president elections are. i may have to apply the next time in the future when the...
  5. Cloud Knight

    being Mr popular come's with a lot of responsibility's ;)

    being Mr popular come's with a lot of responsibility's ;)
  6. Cloud Knight

    I'm Doing It... Ask Me Anything

    interesting! writes inside notebook.
  7. Cloud Knight

    Forum Collab RPG Maker MV Game!

    THE GAME MUST GO ON !!!! xyphien is in trouble !
  8. Cloud Knight

    logged on with 21 notifications o.o GOD HAVE MERCY

    logged on with 21 notifications o.o GOD HAVE MERCY
  9. Cloud Knight

    Continue the Sentence!

    the three headed dragon
  10. Cloud Knight

    good luck brother !!!

    good luck brother !!!
  11. Cloud Knight


    glad to have you register here! given this community a shot! specially sense you said, you been at alot of different forums. hopefully you find this one your favorite or you at least stay active. i'm looking forward to seeing your work. see you around bye for now !
  12. Cloud Knight

    Mobile Gaming: Ads or in app-purchases?

    it may be possible. you would just got to figure out how to incorporate it yourself.
  13. Cloud Knight

    (Noobie) joins the fray!

    welcome to the community ! hope you enjoy your stay here and stay active !! looking forward to seeing you around hehe
  14. Cloud Knight

    YES! ... Cheers *glass clink sound*

    YES! ... Cheers *glass clink sound*
  15. Cloud Knight

    Banner Voting Part 1.

    #1 - Banner #2 - Banner #3 - Banner
  16. Cloud Knight

    This Calls For A Toast! Let us Bask in The Globe of our celebrations as our wallet's shed tears...

    This Calls For A Toast! Let us Bask in The Globe of our celebrations as our wallet's shed tears. we shall share victory game developing.
  17. Cloud Knight

    locked in, did my pre order. i went with the website though. i like having the no steam option :D

    locked in, did my pre order. i went with the website though. i like having the no steam option :D
  18. Cloud Knight

    Diving Into The Mobile Market

    it's alot harder for people to get it done with apple so i can guarantee the apple store won't be flooded like that. it's way to strict and almost painful to even get on such store, which drives the appeal to devs aiming for that because i'ts like the lottery you make it on that then BLAM...
  19. Cloud Knight

    Sweeeeeeet! i'm about to do that today myself. i also do want fallout 4 though. my wallet is...

    Sweeeeeeet! i'm about to do that today myself. i also do want fallout 4 though. my wallet is going to cry.
  20. Cloud Knight

    hey cloud, nice to meet you. i'm also Cloud not a wolf though, but a knight ! Welcome To The...

    hey cloud, nice to meet you. i'm also Cloud not a wolf though, but a knight ! Welcome To The Community ~!