Cloud Knight
Praised Adventurer
- Xy$
- -0.10
Double plot twist. the evil twin was actually with us the whole time, and he made everyone believe the evil Xyphien (Me) was captured as a plot to kill us, when it was the evil clone that was with us the whole time that was plotting the whole thing to kill us!

[doublepost=1445157514,1445157050][/doublepost]TRIPLE PLOT TWIST !!!!!!
not only was the evil twin with us the whole time, while making everyone believe the good Xyphien was evil and captured using that as a plot to kill us. HE also had ANOTHER EVIL TWIN which he cloned in the laboratory encase his evil plan's went south, he could have his even eviler clone hit the switch to rewind time. thus ripping a hole in the space paradox! making the world as we know it doomed. which reveals the biggest plot twist of them all. @Amysaurus announces her long awaited hatred for dinosaurs and moves on to cat's instead. $
@Bizarre Monkey announces that he started to loath monkeys and switches it up to penguins !
even making @Orange Ball so angry where he turns blue and shrinks making himself a blueberry!
making the forum's and community preforming a ripple affect and everyone who posts here becomes the opposite making even myself
the dark knight.

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