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  1. Cloud Knight

    Ask the Owner Anything

    sweet! okay if i get another question. i'l be sure to come here with it.
  2. Cloud Knight

    Q&A With A Royal Knight !

    why thank you kind sir! i'v been writing lyric's as far as i can remember sense i was around 11 year's of age. i didn't start rapping until i was 12 and have been rapping ever sense! (i'm 21 Now) p.s thank you, once you do i will appreciate any feedback wither it's good or bad!
  3. Cloud Knight

    YEA or NAY: Romance

    Depends On The Game And Setting Of The Game Also Story Wise? Does It Fit. Is It Acceptable ? is the timing and setting for this brief moment cliche or just right, personalty i do like it. to a degree, i go more biblical with it meaning 1 partner is with 1 partner so if it get's to complicated...
  4. Cloud Knight

    Ask the Owner Anything

    will you be adding anymore theme's ? Ex. ( x mas theme ? ) plus badges ? also are the theme's permanent or temporary ?
  5. Cloud Knight

    Q&A With A Royal Knight !

    GREETINGS welcome to the Q&A with your's truly "Cloud Knight" feel free to ask me anything and everything i'm very open and friendly. o.o the stage is set the crowd is ready cloud grips the mic ready to speak
  6. Cloud Knight

    Status Gear Entertainment Presents SGE

    Welcome Sge! nice badges can't wait to see what you and your team come up with.!!!
  7. Cloud Knight

    Speaking out against the badges!

    i like the system, i mean what is a badge ? what clairify's a badge ? definition states it as this "a distinctive emblem worn as a mark of office, membership, achievement, licensed employment, etc." all we need is more friendly one's, but those type of badges are there for the ones that like to...
  8. Cloud Knight

    Mascot Contest!

    awwww it's so cute ! and FLUFFY!
  9. Cloud Knight

    Continue the Sentence!

    how dare you defile me with that scent
  10. Cloud Knight

    Hi everyone

    Welcome! can't wait to see this "star lars" project you two got going on ! best of luck!
  11. Cloud Knight

    Hello there~

    Welcome To The Community! hope you enjoy it here. have fun and hop in some conversations!
  12. Cloud Knight

    Star Lars

    woooooooot, will do ! SOON™
  13. Cloud Knight


    i just lost it at watching the trailer....... dude picked up the Christmas tree and threw it on to his wife. one thing i will say monkey is you got humor down! very satire i also like your unique art design keep it up, i'l be checking out the progress as it moves along in development.
  14. Cloud Knight

    Revenge of the Evils - A Great Crossover game

    ROFL!!! i like what you have here orange! i can suggest fixing up the enemy battler's without pictures and maybe some more uhm. round shapes to fight or maybe you can fight squares. so it will be balls vs boxes! excuse the expression. keep it up though, i like what i'm seeing.
  15. Cloud Knight

    Star Lars

    sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet okay as time goes on i would like to make a special cameo in this wonderful game idea you have. i can be something as small as a "easter egg" or a companion or even a evil... muahaha villain if i can jolt down some mini ideas. i would be the evil overlord...
  16. Cloud Knight

    Hello Everybody!

    Welcome To The Community !
  17. Cloud Knight

    Scfi Character Generator Parts Confirmed !!!!

    hahaha, you got me O.O. indeed you are correct. i'm going to leave it like that because it looks funny now.
  18. Cloud Knight

    Scfi Character Generator Parts Confirmed !!!!

    later on in the video it talks about there being scifi titles and resources not just titles but weapons and gear and they responded with YES it's the biggest RTP to DATE this is great! indeed this is great!
  19. Cloud Knight

    hi everyone

    hehe ^_^ enjoy it here!
  20. Cloud Knight

    Scfi Character Generator Parts Confirmed !!!!

    just started watching the latest episodes that the rpg dev team have been doing. then i saw this! which is extremely good because well now we won't be stuck to "one" type of setting when creating our characters. also maybe in the future "via dlc" there will be even more part's for the character...