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  1. Akod

    Opinions, Bugs, Changes, etc. New theme!

    There's something weird going on with the Badge page. Also, the account setup info on the sidebar is glitchy.
  2. Akod

    Item behaviour help

    The reason it's instantly killing everyone is because you are giving them the knockout state, which causes the game to consider them dead. Since you can't set an enemy to resist the knockout state, due to it making them immortal, the way I would go about doing this is to make a new state that...
  3. Akod

    But that means you get off earlier, right? It's not all bad.

    But that means you get off earlier, right? It's not all bad.
  4. Akod

    Hello everyone

    Welcome to the forum! Glad that you joined us here. You say you know RGSS as well as JS? Does that mean you were a scripter for VX/Ace, or did you just use it for personal use? I hope to see you around!
  5. Akod

    Hey there - Ghaleon

    Welcome to the forum! Final Fantasy 4 was a really great game, it doesn't surprise me that it is the game that gave you the game making spark. I'm glad you decided to join us here to let us help you on the journey that is your game and to share with us what you create. =) I hope to see you around!
  6. Akod


    Welcome to the forum! Glad to hear you decided to join us. Having worked with previous RM programs this one should come quite easily to you. @Jay is right, starting with small projects, then working your way into a larger project is a great way to help motivate you into completing a major game...
  7. Akod

    Member Greetings, there is something I noticed.

    But this doesn't appear to be happening. There are only a handful of people that post on most/all intro threads and they all are active members with an already high post count, which makes it unlikely to be the reason of posting.
  8. Akod

    It's more that they take such a large portion of my wages, then come tax return I get...

    It's more that they take such a large portion of my wages, then come tax return I get practically none of it back. Last year I payed in a large sum of money, yet I ended getting ~$40 back. I understand why they keep some, but that was ridiculous.
  9. Akod

    Got my tax return statement. They took about 20% of my wages this year. The taxing is real. I...

    Got my tax return statement. They took about 20% of my wages this year. The taxing is real. I hate my government. =(
  10. Akod

    Hey guys, new developer

    Welcome to the forum! Glad to hear you decided to pick up MV to start game designing, it's easy enough to use and powerful enough to make what you want. I look forward to seeing when you finally feel up to starting up your zombie game. =) I hope to see you around!
  11. Akod


    Welcome to the forum @Wizzle! This is a good community to dig into, everyone is fun and friendly here. If you have any questions about anything don't hesitate to ask, we'd be more than happy to answer them for you. =) I hope to see you around!
  12. Akod

    Member Greetings, there is something I noticed.

    No matter what something is going to end up being lost due to new posts, especially once the forum gets larger and more active. Isn't that the point of the new posts page?
  13. Akod

    Hi all

    Welcome to the forum! Glad to see you could join us. I'd say the goin's pretty good, how about yourself? I hope to see you around.
  14. Akod


    Welcome to the forum! You say you're a programmer? Were you a scripter for previous RM programs? I hope to see you around!
  15. Akod

    hello everybody

    Welcome to the forum! I found that learning the ins and outs of the maker was quite fun. Keeping track of everything may seem a bit overwhelming at first, but once you get used to it it gets much easier. Remember, if you have any questions we are here to help. =) I hope to see you around!
  16. Akod

    This is all new to me.

    Welcome to the forum! If you can't manage to find sprite sets for all the characters you wanted to make, I suggest making a request over in our resource request section. We have plenty of great artists that I'm sure would be happy to help you with whatever you need, so long as you ask nicely...
  17. Akod


    Welcome to the forum! I know what you mean about the 100%, that green box really is ugly, isn't it? Well, now that it's gone the next step will be to get to know people and start posting. =) I hope to see you around!
  18. Akod

    Man, that sucks. That's too hot for January. Just head a little north for a bit, until it cools...

    Man, that sucks. That's too hot for January. Just head a little north for a bit, until it cools back down. I'm sitting at 45F on Monday, where I am. =)
  19. Akod

    @[62:@Amysaurus] It wasn't? Good, I thought I was just going crazy.

    @[62:@Amysaurus] It wasn't? Good, I thought I was just going crazy.
  20. Akod

    Oldie, still kicking around

    Welcome to the forum! I recognize that avatar. Welcome Mr Big T, or @Tuomo L now, I suppose. Glad to see you decided to join us here. I hope to see you around!