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  1. EraYachi

    Do You Have A Story Ready?

    All I've been able to accomplish in the past 2 weeks is writing new story concepts...and re-writing them...and baking muffins. That last one isn't related to MV, but I like muffins. I need MV. Like, now.
  2. EraYachi

    Where'd you hear about us?

    Prepare for trouble! (Make it double!) To protect the world from devastation! To unite the peoples within our nation! To denounce the evils of truth and love! To extend our reach to the stars above! Jesse! James! Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light! Surrender now, or prepare to fight...
  3. EraYachi

    Where'd you hear about us?

    It was linked in a review for RMMV that I was reading and I was like: ZING! Yeah bebbeh, there's a community for MV already! Skinny dipping time! *pulls off all clothing and dives into website*
  4. EraYachi

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    Yes, yes that is me. Heh. Same name, different avatar--I'm still a member of, in fact. Haven't posted in a while, since I've put game-making on hiatus. I've been on that site for probably 3-4 years now.....anyway, I'm still doing the parallax style maps though, they haven't...
  5. EraYachi

    On RM Horror Games

    The game I'm creating now is an immersive horror, much like The Witch's House and Ib, etc. etc. I love. LOVE like a banana, immersive horrors with good stories, interesting characters and atmosphere. Jumpscares are alright, but only used sparingly, and preferably after you've intentionally made...
  6. EraYachi

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    I'd forgotten the ice caves stuff in FF7. I do remember the mountain peaks and stuff--MAN was that a huge game. I do remember one in Final Fantasy 9, it's like the first mini-dungeon you gotta go through. That one definitely was an inspiration for this. I just ended up using edited pieces of an...
  7. EraYachi

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    @Bizzare Monkey: Geez, that looks epic. I'd play that in a heartbeat. Someone knows how to put together a heart-pounding trailer, I'll give ya that. My mind is blown! Just uh....a little less flashy flashy in the video. So many white flashes and stuff; my eyes couldn't watch it more than 1.5...
  8. EraYachi

    VX Ace Contest!

    Dang. My only game is currently in it's 1-hour demo stage and it's got blood and y'know, 32-bit style decapitation, impaling...stuff. Creepy stuff. It's a horror game, man. Other games I've made are previous versions of RPG Maker. Ah well, maybe next time.
  9. EraYachi

    Greetings from an old-timer!

    'Sup, folks. I've been using RPG Maker programs since the 2000 version, yada, yada, ya'll are bored to hear about the past 13 years. The exciting stuff is style! Action figures! Ranch dressing! Polo shirts. Technically my current and biggest project is happening in Ace, but I'm gonna jump...