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Search results

  1. EraYachi

    What donations/Sponsors/Partners do for RMMV

    Someone's gotta man the MV Help Do you realize how many 'How do I turn off an event?' posts there are gonna be!? Do you understand the scope of the situation? How could you be so selfish as to help a friend in need when there will be literally hundreds (HUNDREDS, Coral!) of...
  2. EraYachi

    Fellow non-scripters, tell me why...

    Dude, if you announced that you were taking on full-time or even part-time scripting lessons at this point, we'd have to hire you a nanny to take care of the 923 new community members that'll flood in in the next 72 hours. We'd have to build a robot to take your place whilst you sleep. You'd...
  3. EraYachi

    What donations/Sponsors/Partners do for RMMV

    Damn, my head hurts. D= There's a sponsorship and donation spot, both? Does the money go to the same thing (i.e. paying back the features already purchase and/or to purchase new ones, like blogerinos?), or is it going to two separate causes? I've got money to donate right now, but I'm...
  4. EraYachi

    -shifty eyes- Hi, there.

    Aaaaaay! Another Jack! Of all Trades! It's a Jack of all Trades buddy! Welcome to the club, my friend. I had jackets, but I used them as kindling to replenish the flame of my dead soul after playing the first 3 hours of Tales of Zestiria. Snoop away; there's one thing people like most and it's...
  5. EraYachi

    Fellow non-scripters, tell me why...

    Yeah the undertones of it all is essentially, we all got strong/weak points. I think all RM communities could use the squeaky clean addition of more scripters like you, though. Scripters change things under the surface and add features that aren't standard. Artists/designers change the look of...
  6. EraYachi

    How Do You Keep Your Map Fresh?

    Yep, seeing how Ace was the instigator of my parallax thug life...sweet lord how I hated you, Ace map editor. You just couldn't let me put a dinner plate on top of a non A-layer table without being a magic toad about it...could you? COULD YOU!? Oh look, I'm brandishing a knife. I wonder where...
  7. EraYachi

    What donations/Sponsors/Partners do for RMMV

    Pff, I sponsor ever RPG Maker community I join.; you know how lost I'd be without the communities of old? It's like giving back to future communities, for the...something something of Christmas. Or Hanukkah. Or raisins. Mind you, asked for a one-time donation that I never had...
  8. EraYachi

    How Do You Keep Your Map Fresh?

    It is absolutely both of those things, but also very worth it. Like a sculpture, or a painting. I mean, you can add a layer for lighting so that players can walk under them and have 'shadows and lights' (basically tinted areas and spots added with a glowing brush) cast on the avatar. In some of...
  9. EraYachi

    Fellow non-scripters, tell me why...

    Haha. I know, I get it, it's a thread for people who can't script their way out of a badly written play, let alone javascript. Frankly, I've got my own reasons for steering clear of learning any kind of code (except once, when I was drunk...reeeally drunk). I'm busy, mostly. I spent too much...
  10. EraYachi

    How Do You Keep Your Map Fresh?

    90% of my maps are made in GIMP and integrated via parallaxing soooo...uh...I go nuts? I guess parallaxing itself is the answer to the question, i'nt it? RPG VX Ace's mapping system made me pull my hair out (literally! I've got scars!) so I started parallax mapping to solve it. Made lots of...
  11. EraYachi

    The Real You picture threddo!

    It's a character and costume I designed myself using things I bought/altered from a thrift store. I did a steampunk theme that year--even made a fake belly for it. For the first time ever, my belly wasn't big enough to fit the character I'd designed. It was glorius.
  12. EraYachi

    The Real You picture threddo!

    I'll just leave this here.....
  13. EraYachi


    Welcome! It's really nice to *3 days pass* see you...hmm, I thought I was supposed to be doing something... Anyway welcome to the forums, and while I do bite, it's normally oranges. With the rind still on. While making growling noises. *waves merrily*
  14. EraYachi

    Continue the Sentence!

    and laughing at anyone she passed. Eventually
  15. EraYachi

    [RMMV] Modus Operandi

    There is such a thing as 'too open-ended'. I love this idea in theory; I'd love to see it kick butt in action. Except, if you're going to keep players entertained, then you're going to need to have some other system beyond random events. Not many people will want to play a game with no clear...
  16. EraYachi

    Banner Voting Part 1.

    #1: Banner 21: #2: Banner 16: #3: Banner 22:
  17. EraYachi

    YEA or NAY: Romance

    If it takes a backseat to the real plot munchies, and doesn't detract from developing other relationships, such as friendships, rivalries, nemeses, then allons-y! If the game isn't strictly a romance game, then it should be like one of many different coloured yarns in a winter scarf. It's not...
  18. EraYachi

    "Update your status...." Or else what?

    "Update your status...." Or else what?
  19. EraYachi

    Pre-order on Steam or vendor's website?

    I decided to just switch and pre-order it on the vendor's website. I did that for XP years ago anyway. Thing is, I ended up spending about $12.00 more. The Steam price was $79.90 in Canadian dollars. But I ended up spending $97.00 CAD (Canadian) buying it from the vendor's website, because the...
  20. EraYachi

    Pre-order on Steam or vendor's website?

    Where are ya'll pre-ordering MV? Where do you think is best to get it? From what I've see, it's about 9-10 bucks more to pre-order it on Steam, but you get the Essentials Pack and the Cover Art Characters pack included. I don't know if you get that on the main vendor's website when you...