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  1. Cloud Knight


    welcome james, looking forward to your plugins and seeing some of your mv work. also some of those dabbling pixel arts.
  2. Cloud Knight

    Lato is here.

    welcome to the community lato, hope to see some of your mv work once you decide to hop on board.
  3. Cloud Knight

    running out of time so made the game a lot shorter then originally planned. adding the last...

    running out of time so made the game a lot shorter then originally planned. adding the last touches of polish before release.
  4. Cloud Knight

    haha maybe so, maybe so. we shall see. my goal is to get it posted sometime this week. with that...

    haha maybe so, maybe so. we shall see. my goal is to get it posted sometime this week. with that new html browser and maybe a personal android version for myself
  5. Cloud Knight

    awww booo game must be an half hour. mine is a series of mini games not sure how long it would =...

    awww booo game must be an half hour. mine is a series of mini games not sure how long it would = up, made in mv just testing the waters
  6. Cloud Knight

    oh nice where's sign ups ? can i post my game i'm working on one right now in mv

    oh nice where's sign ups ? can i post my game i'm working on one right now in mv
  7. Cloud Knight

    Windows 7 Having A Splash Screen Error ??? Here's A Fix

    oh wow, i'm sorry that didn't fix your issue. i have no idea then.
  8. Cloud Knight

    Windows 7 Having A Splash Screen Error ??? Here's A Fix

    you copy and pasted inside the folder where the mv.exe is ? if so and it didn't work try right clicking and running in windows 7 compatibility mode on the mv icon and then try it if not. then i'm not too sure i would report it to the devs and making ask for refund.
  9. Cloud Knight

    O.O. make Halloween game in mv?

    O.O. make Halloween game in mv?
  10. Cloud Knight

    Stumbled upon a new place. Hello there, fella.

    welcome to the community!!! looking forward to seeing some of your work. GOD BLESS! cya around!
  11. Cloud Knight


    welcome to the community !!! hope you enjoy it here ! jump into some conversations anytime we're very friendly here
  12. Cloud Knight

    so far 3/50 puzzles done for my game xP

    so far 3/50 puzzles done for my game xP
  13. Cloud Knight

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    hahah thanks my brother. i'm still working and tweaking i'm trying to just get all the puzzles and mini game's in and before i do the polish !
  14. Cloud Knight

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    yeah i'v been doing some experiments il post a quick ss a lil something something
  15. Cloud Knight

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    oh wow that's a nice feature. i wonder if you can use it to parallax map!
  16. Cloud Knight

    if you need a laugh WATCH THIS ASAP !!

    i can't stop laughing !!!!!!
  17. Cloud Knight

    if you need a laugh WATCH THIS ASAP !!

    after seeing this i can't stop laughing and watching. laughing and watching i'm crying with laughter right now !!!
  18. Cloud Knight

    List of MV Disappointments

    i do to R.I.P