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  1. LordBones

    Sage's Skype has been hacked.

    If you need more reasons to hate Skype just look at how much memory it uses up and the fact that if you send a message the other person doesn't receive it until you're both online at the same time? Steam chat is better however who wants to give out their steam lol. This sucks, there's been a...
  2. LordBones

    New Person

    Welcome, always need graphic guys. This is a great place to bring what you have to the table and find support in the areas you're not so talented. Hope to see you around!
  3. LordBones

    Tileset I need Opinion and Ideas

    Hmm... I think there is a problem with making custom items in tilesets. They all look too clean and not 'SNES' / 'Genesis' enough to fit in with the other tiles. I don't know how to fix that problem but it does lead to a complete clash between the custom and the RTP / DLC (some DLC even falls...
  4. LordBones


    Just would like to mention I skyped / teamviewered into BlueByt3's computer and found a minor error when TargetID was undefined by the Battle script if it matched the actor. I fixed this on his version and in the answer. This is all solved now I believe.
  5. LordBones

    Weather Script?

    Won't that do? If not might be able to find a plugin.
  6. LordBones

    Things I'd like to see in RMMV

    The XML thing you can do and they've even brought out software to make maps like you used to in RPGMaker XP because it's all just XML formats. Anyone could make this as a note, they wear their backend on their sleeve in this version. With the direct exporting that'd require it to save both the...
  7. LordBones

    New french guy

    Rather interested in other genre's of games outside of RPGs made in RPG maker because (esp now with MV) there are other things you can make in the engine. Either way welcome to the forums!
  8. LordBones

    Is there a plugin that allows sub folders in the Pictures directory?

    Yeah I did... If there's a way to change a picture graphic then how? Where do you put the note and how do you refer to the picture? It's not like there's notes on pictures. Would appreciate if you could quote the way to do it.
  9. LordBones

    RaiseGamer - Get your game promoted by thousands for FREE!

    Yeah no lol. That's not a good subreddit unless a bunch more people start posting over there. The way this site is going to get somewhere on reddit is if an amazing project posts up on there and that is shared on reddit. So just make an amazing project right? that's easy lol. But don't feel...
  10. LordBones

    Is there a plugin that allows sub folders in the Pictures directory?

    Interesting plugin, however I've installed it and can't find out how you can change the pictures? Seems to be for character stuff but not pictures maybe?
  11. LordBones

    RaiseGamer - Get your game promoted by thousands for FREE!

    I don't think people didn't get it, I think that subreddit is really barren. Not mega barren with posts a week old staying on there however basically no votes and everything posted within the last 3 days is on the first page... yeah it's the subreddit not the site. Best way is to encourage us to...
  12. LordBones

    Help with making line breaks

    This is rather old but do you just mean \n? Which is a line break? Unsure of whether that'd work for splits. If not I'll edit this however you can do it.
  13. LordBones

    RaiseGamer - Get your game promoted by thousands for FREE!

    I gather then this could help with steam greenlight then. I want to be on steam however would rather spend time on the game instead of social media getting people to up vote. It's interesting regardless, definitely check it out and certainly when I'm closer to realese.
  14. LordBones

    RaiseGamer - Get your game promoted by thousands for FREE!

    Rather interested to see this pan out. I'm not too sure on the idea of crowdfunding of games considering Kickstarter has moved away from games since double fine however it might be more useful than Kickstarter if they have policies tailored to gaming and not so much kicking supporters in the...
  15. LordBones

    Anime-Wannabe realistic Portrait (Trade/Free)

    As a note can you draw other races, if I like asked you to draw anthropomorphized creatures or like technology races could you do it?
  16. LordBones

    hi everyone :)

    Javascript will certainly be useful, get your head around Javascript Objects and the way variables / classes work and you're golden.
  17. LordBones

    Loot Chest System

    I'll see what I can do and if I can get it to work first. Probably do some over the weekend because until that point it's in the air. However this isn't too much to ask and I could probably manage it although it might look a little similar to the way Epic Quest of the 4 crystals does their...
  18. LordBones

    Loot Chest System

    Would you be up for a trade because I could make this system in a relatively short amount of time. The trade would be some light graphical work. On the plugin side, the only slight issue I see arising is the idea we'd need to map this to controller however shouldn't be too difficult just might...
  19. LordBones

    Could we arrange a time when you're free to use something like Teamviewer and Teamspeak (or...

    Could we arrange a time when you're free to use something like Teamviewer and Teamspeak (or Skype) to fix this plugin because I just changed to side view characters and it worked...I want to help you however it's a little difficult with my version just working.
  20. LordBones

    Help creating a plugin for separate inventories.

    You might want to make this a request in the other forum, however this sounds interesting. Are you using the default menu system? This isn't too much to ask just need a little time. If you're any good at graphic design might be able to do a swap.