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  1. Kerux

    The Real You picture threddo!

    Meh, I'll join in on this. Here is me and mine! (I'm the bearded one, lol). XD
  2. Kerux

    Transfer Save Games

    Not exactly. I was looking at the possibility of doing it in different projects, but that's a good find! :-)
  3. Kerux

    Transfer Save Games

    That sounds awesome. Good ideas there!
  4. Kerux

    Transfer Save Games

    I think it would require some sort of resource. Honestly I don't know anything about JS, but my guess is something could be written that could take the save file and pull out information on levels, characters, items, skills, etc and feed it into the new game file. I have no idea how that would...
  5. Kerux

    What are you thankful for?

    I am thankful for... Jesus Christ: I'll be pretty upfront. Even though I am a preacher it is hard for me to openly talk about my faith in everyday real-world, which is something I am working on. That being said, my worldview is such that without Him, everything would immediately lose meaning...
  6. Kerux

    Transfer Save Games

    Does anyone know of a way to transfer save files between games? I am thinking of making a series of short games and would love the ability to let people move their saves as they come. Thoughts? Ideas? Thanks! XD
  7. Kerux

    @[17:@LTN Games] I've been working on my project, finally. Got my town pretty much done. Still a...

    @[17:@LTN Games] I've been working on my project, finally. Got my town pretty much done. Still a long way to go but at least it's now WIP XD
  8. Kerux

    Ole School RPG Player/Game Maker

    Welcome to the club! Hope you enjoy your stay! Look forward to seeing you around XD
  9. Kerux

    10,000 Posts!!!

    Because it has to be here. XD
  10. Kerux

    Yeah, her's is rockin' too XD

    Yeah, her's is rockin' too XD
  11. Kerux

    Just FYI, I love the Mascot Contest badge. It rocks. XD

    Just FYI, I love the Mascot Contest badge. It rocks. XD
  12. Kerux

    Forum Collab RPG Maker MV Game!

    Count me in! I'd love to contribute a little something to it. :-)
  13. Kerux

    Super Simple Plot Thread

    My kid was playing with his dragon next to me as I typed that. I was thinking more along the lines of literal representations, like a stampede of mechanical dinosaurs suddenly storming down the street ala Jumanji. Your take on it sounds very interesting though! XD
  14. Kerux

    Mascot Voting!

    5 more days of voting! Who knows what will happen?!?!!!!1?11 (but yeah, I'd go ahead and get them made up in advance so they're ready to roll once voting ends lol).
  15. Kerux

    Super Simple Plot Thread

    Oooooo...I like this topic. Prolly gonna start stealing ideas from here and just making stuff to make it. Who cares if it's good/epic/original/etc when it's your first go at it, right? XD My ideas: You discover your dog is a space alien bent on taking over the world. All your child's toys...
  16. Kerux

    By next week...I'm going to start on stuff by next week... XD

    By next week...I'm going to start on stuff by next week... XD
  17. Kerux

    Mascot Voting!

    I'm torn as to whether I should vote for myself or go ahead and say 20. At this point don't think it'll make much difference, lol. Meh, I vote for me. #18 it is! For variety! Btw Lulu, MV-tan is fantastic. You did a great job with that. I'll be happy to have her as our mascot! XD
  18. Kerux

    the fashion police has arrived weeoo weeoo

    Get a DS Lite. That thing is seriously one of the best handhelds ever made. I still have 2 of them (mainly so I can play GBA games when I want XD). Backlight and battery life winswins!
  19. Kerux

    Sorry haven't been active lately! Lots has been going on. Hope to pick back up soon tho! :-)

    Sorry haven't been active lately! Lots has been going on. Hope to pick back up soon tho! :-)
  20. Kerux

    Wingedwolf's AMA

    What is your single favorite game of all time? Also, how much time a week do you spend developing? Boring questions I know, but they're interesting to me. :D