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Transfer Save Games


Does anyone know of a way to transfer save files between games? I am thinking of making a series of short games and would love the ability to let people move their saves as they come. Thoughts? Ideas?

Thanks! XD

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
This is a great idea, but I've personally never tried something like this before. Issues would arise, though, I'm pretty sure it would need to be from the same game project so in other word make the game all in one project but separate them through the map list. This way the save files won't be looking for something that won't be there anymore. Have you tried something like this yet?
Also are you requesting a plugin or resource? or you just looking for general help?


I think it would require some sort of resource. Honestly I don't know anything about JS, but my guess is something could be written that could take the save file and pull out information on levels, characters, items, skills, etc and feed it into the new game file. I have no idea how that would work but I am sure if something like that got put out people could make pretty good use of that ability, kind of like what we see with multi-installment games like Xenosaga and the like.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Similar to Mass Effect where stats are transferred from one save game to another. This is a great idea and is something I will look into myself. I can't promise I'd be able to make it, I'm no pro. Hopefully someone else catches wind of this and will attempt it also.


Towns Guard
Hmmm... you could keep the saves in the cloud. Would need a server though and a lot of work.

All persistence in the save files would need to be consistent with each other, so you should probably work in a single project (as LTN Games said) so Switches, Vars and Items don't overlap each other.


You could just make the first chapter and every chapter after that is just overwritten in the game folder (like an update). The saves work fine that way, as they work when we're constantly modifying the game while working on it.

You could even create a script to download each chapter at the startup. The JS for that wouldn't be overly complicated, a few AJAX calls and such before running the game itself...

Hmm... maybe I'll work on something like that.


Not exactly. I was looking at the possibility of doing it in different projects, but that's a good find! :-)


Local Hero
DataManager.makeSavefileInfo = function() {
    var info = {};
    info.globalId   = this._globalId;
    info.title      = $dataSystem.gameTitle;
    info.characters = $gameParty.charactersForSavefile();
    info.faces      = $gameParty.facesForSavefile();
    info.playtime   = $gameSystem.playtimeText();
    info.timestamp  =;
    return info;
The save file does not contain anything else then this, i might be wrong but just test this with two different projects and move one save from one place to the next.
The database needs to contain all dependencies like actors.