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Search results

  1. Minty

    MV Script Calls

    Not that I'm in any position to help as I'm having problems with the same code, but what error do you get?
  2. Minty

    MV Script Calls

    For one, you're missing a parenthesis here V character.requestBalloon(10; this.setWaitMode('balloon'); In an event, through the script function on the third page. I also tried through movement route and a common event, both gave back the same error.
  3. Minty

    Script / Plugin Requests

    I see three or four in the request list that already have scripts for them. More than 4 Party Caterpillar- It's not the same title and this is already in the other list, but wouldn't this just work? Then again, I may be...
  4. Minty

    MV Script Calls

    I'm a little lost on showing the balloon. character.requestBalloon(1); this.setWaitMode('balloon'); This gives me the error "can't read property "isBalloonPlaying" of null (Sorry if I seem like a noob here. I know quite a bit ov JS but I'm kinda inexperienced with stuff like this)
  5. Minty

    Town Theme

    No worries, I was just confused x3
  6. Minty


    Wow, thank you all for the warm welcome! Just the fact that some of you actually went to look at my art, not to mention liked it, is absolutely amazing to me ;u; I didn't think anyone would look :O Hahah, well the picture that is my avatar isn't something I made if that's what you're thinking...
  7. Minty

    Specific Random Request Codes

    Sure, I could try. I'll see what I can do. xD I learned on this site called Codecademy. I'm not sure whether to recommend or not, but if you really want to learn, just Google it :)
  8. Minty

    Specific Random Request Codes

    Unfortunately I can't help you much there (When you said code earlier I thought you had meant a js code, whoops) Putting it all in a range seems to have the same effect as putting them in different lines, though, but I don't think it helps with what the problem is. Also, I may not know my way...
  9. Minty

    RMMV Halloween Contest!

    Wow I'm late, but I'll try my best ;u; I already have an idea in mind >w<
  10. Minty


    well this is awkward I've already posted in other forums and stuff and i joined before mv's release but ok Hey, so, I'm Minty. I've been an RPGMaker fan for a long time now, but I never was able to get any of them until Ace, just about a year ago. I'm super glad I finally got into the RPGMaker...
  11. Minty

    Clothes and Helmets for Character Generator.

    Alright, I'll see what I can do x3
  12. Minty

    Clothes and Helmets for Character Generator.

    Depending on how complex you want the armour to be, I can probably help. I can only offer services in spiriting, though, so if you're looking for someone to draw for the face, I'm afraid I can't help you.
  13. Minty

    Free Javascript Editors

    Atom is my editor of choice, completely free as far as I'm aware and compatible with many other languages. I'll come back with a link later if so desired :3 Another notable entry would be Codecademy Labs. It's online, and I believe you have to sign up, but it lets you execute what you've worked...
  14. Minty

    Specific Random Request Codes

    If you can show me the code you're talking about or navigate me to it, I can probably edit it to make it have random variables.
  15. Minty

    Town Theme

    Um, it seems it was deleted or taken down, or the link is wrong. The link takes me to an error page ^^'
  16. Minty

    Zebestian's Music Collection

    Ah, I see. I saw that x3 I just figured you would've still left the download up for people who just wanted it for shorter scenes where looping might not be necessary. My fault for assuming x3 I don't have any specific song that I want, so I'll just wait for the batch :P
  17. Minty

    Zebestian's Music Collection

    Ah, alright, thanks for letting me know ^^'
  18. Minty

    @eivi Ah, I see.

    @eivi Ah, I see.
  19. Minty

    Zebestian's Music Collection

    I'm a tad confused. I don't see any way to download any of your music, even on Soundcloud. Am I missing something? ^^'
  20. Minty

    Soooo... am I the only one who ships Therese and Lucius?

    Soooo... am I the only one who ships Therese and Lucius?