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Search results

  1. Minty

    Game Dev Battle Match 3: Minty Vs. CT_Bolt

    Indeed it was. I had intended for the ghost girl to join you, and there was another character that didn't make it in the game. Which actually is a good thing in this case, because it means I got to procrastinate on the sprite, heh. Your game was cool x3 I liked being able to choose the weapon...
  2. Minty

    Game Dev Battle Match 3: Minty Vs. CT_Bolt

    Yes, sorry. I ran out of time to do much more ^^' It's largely unfinished, but I plan to work on it more after this contest. I'll take a look at your game now, thanks for the Mac version!
  3. Minty

    Game Dev Battle Match 3: Minty Vs. CT_Bolt

    Of course there's only PC games. xD I was hoping to play everyone's games but I'm on Mac. Anyway, I'm excited to see what happens!
  4. Minty

    Game Dev Battle Contest

    Alright ^^'
  5. Minty

    Game Dev Battle Contest

    (Sorry, I was rushing around for a while trying to find a fix.) In the default folder. It was something along the lines of "ScreenX is undefined". I've fixed it now, though. If I'm still able, I can have a link for you shortly. I understand if I've made it too late.
  6. Minty

    Game Dev Battle Contest

    Good x3 UHHM, I'm here, but suddenly receiving an error ... @MinisterJay, I might be slightly late to submitting mine...
  7. Minty

    Game Dev Battle Contest

    Thank you very much! And don't stress it. I'm sure you have more than mine. I have very few maps and barebones dialogue xD
  8. Minty

    Game Dev Battle Contest

    *Fwumps over* I have the intro done, first three sprites done, HOPEFULLY I can get more done today before the deadline. But I'm submitting this no matter what. Yeah, I know there are some ugly pixels left. I'm getting rid of those currently.
  9. Minty

    I just realized that for the past six months or so since I joined my "About me" has never been...

    I just realized that for the past six months or so since I joined my "About me" has never been changed lol
  10. Minty

    Game Dev Battle Contest

    Ahhh thank you! ;v;
  11. Minty

    Game Dev Battle Contest

    Hah, same here (blush) I wish you the best of luck. I know that I'm definitely continuing mine later. I don't care for things relating to the undead, but I like what I have for this game so far.
  12. Minty

    Game Dev Battle Contest

    Grr, the generator has really cruddy clothes and stuff for a modern game... I've been doing sprites and faces myself. One sprite out of six is done xD Oh dear. I've got a lot of it planned out though, hopefully I can get some stuff done before the deadline.
  13. Minty

    Game Dev Battle Contest

    I'm on vacation so I don't have much time to work, but I have my concept down and starting work on maps and stuff x3 Mine will likely be unfinished but hopefully not so unfinished it's unplayable. Still gonna do my best even if I don't have much time x3
  14. Minty

    Game Dev Battle Contest

    No problem, I'm looking forward to this and happy to help with prizes. I'll send the PM when I have the Steam keys all together :)
  15. Minty

    Game Dev Battle Contest

    I would like to enter, and I also have many Steam keys to give as prizes c:
  16. Minty

    I'm back

    I'm back
  17. Minty


  18. Minty

    In search of freeware

    I have. That's really odd. Are you on a PC or a Mac? :0
  19. Minty

    In search of freeware

    Yeah, it's not all that well-known. SAI kinda overshadows it. I just did an intense search for freeware when I first got my tablet and found it after some time. There aren't as many brushes as SAI, but it's easy to add more. Maybe check your downloads? A lot of sites have taken me to a white...
  20. Minty

    In search of freeware

    Eheh, same here xD That's also FireAlpaca for me actually. I got ArtRage and Autodesk something with my tablet, and I bought Clip Studio Paint, but my go-to art program is FireAlpaca. I even prefer it over MediBang Paint, which is the essentially the same program with more brushes and a more...