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  1. Wize1

    MV Resource development

    Clearly right off the bat, your battlers don't have balloon heads. Which I'm liking that already. By using a better proportioned head/body you get a more realistic looking battler. With the enlarged heads you can see hairstyle/eye color in more detail. It seems to be a little less work for the...
  2. Wize1

    What Inspires Your Story?

    You could literally just copy final fantasy to the T.... as long as it's all new content people will still play it like it's brand spanking new....... i mean within reason of course. you don't want to copy the entire story.. but if you want to be successful you have to steal from other artists...
  3. Wize1

    Half of the Actors Battle Sprites are missing in RPGMaker MV!

    I read that thread, that moderator is dull as a butter knife. The battlers are missing simply because of error or accident of whoever packaged the game. I'm not screaming bloody murder about it, just because the people who made it are human. I hope they see it and fix it, though.
  4. Wize1

    What Inspires Your Story?

    Feelings, Also twists in a story, Suspension, Cliff Hangers, Mystery, Big wars, Underdogs, Saviors, Heroes, Revenge, Cat and Mouse, Secrets, Romance, Betrayal... Thought I would put everything that inspires me into words. Few games inspire me as they don't always have the right chemistry.
  5. Wize1

    Do I Bother..?

    indeed. we certainly do not live in a flawless reality. hehe however, if you watch star trek... we might be possibly moving to an advanced future. which means everything is more developed. and everythign is also free! no money exists
  6. Wize1

    Wize AMA

    gonna go with autumn. The crisp cool weather comes just in time after summer. My favorite memories are during this season.
  7. Wize1

    Do I Bother..?

    My guess is a patch will come out within a month. I don't think it's gonna be a week. I can see there might be a few leaks in the program because, just like anything else, they were working towards a dead line.
  8. Wize1

    Do I Bother..?

    Pretty sure it'll get a patch or two.
  9. Wize1

    Wize AMA

    freeze tag was my favorite game as a kid. I'd have to go with that one. however, if it was a video game it would be 'gladius'
  10. Wize1

    Wize AMA

    chocolate chip.... only if it's right out the oven
  11. Wize1

    Wize AMA

    go ahead
  12. Wize1

    Moderator Voting

    Amy Trump
  13. Wize1

    Memories in the light, the iron hand of wrath fell in the storm. But the sun shines yet again...

    Memories in the light, the iron hand of wrath fell in the storm. But the sun shines yet again, and there was once a glimmer of hope in you.
  14. Wize1

    king's comfort orchestration

    Kaimen, that's just because you need to find a project with a director. If you go to that link and look at the top right corner, what do you see? Director Artist Programmer Composer The game could not have been made without the combined effort...
  15. Wize1

    king's comfort orchestration

    Yes. It's mostly balance of life / work. If you can sustain momentum with your desires and rekindle your passion. Workflow is so important in production and progress. Kaimen, I've been listening to your compositions. You have more than enough talent. Have you done any official work for any games?
  16. Wize1

    king's comfort orchestration

    Thanks. Yes, strong western RPG elements. After studying games and music from a developer perspective, yes-- it is not tailored for a game. Chris Muggli-Miller - yes, he has a 6 year music degree and quite a fabulous studio. His orchestration of Lunar: Eternal Blue even got Noriyuki Iwadare's...
  17. Wize1

    Moderator Voting

    That lead is unreal.
  18. Wize1

    king's comfort orchestration

    song written by wize1 orchestrated by chris muggli-miller
  19. Wize1

    I deleted my facebook

    If you see me start posting things about my personal life in the off-topic forum , it's because I have no friends where I live, my only friends are online. I deleted my facebook because I had around 300-400 "friends" that were influencing me in a way that I did not want to live my life. I made a...