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  1. Wize1

    Stress Management

    Hello. Wize1 here talking about a subject he is very familiar with! I wanted to share with you some techniques I use to help manage my stress. I guess it hasn't gotten bad enough yet because I haven't gone to see a therapist or a doctor. :p Breathing - If you research "Buteyko Method" , you...
  2. Wize1

    How I Got Internet Access Today!

    haha thanks for sharing. awesome story man.
  3. Wize1

    Steam How to add DLC to RMMV?

    Just adding to what Xyphien said: To use DLC content for your project, you have to find the folder called "dlc" in your steamapps/common/rpgmakermv folder. Then you must copy and paste all the DLC into your documents/games/ (name of your project) folder.
  4. Wize1

    i can't figure out how to import steam dlc into mv database

    I looked it over, still no luck. Even in moving the DLC content into the base resource folder. Unless... I have to move the DLC content into the project located in documents. That would just be silly though Go figure, it worked.
  5. Wize1

    i can't figure out how to import steam dlc into mv database

    here's a video showing what i'm trying to do. I tried both folders that have Img folders in them. neither of them make it appear in the database.
  6. Wize1

    List of MV Disappointments

    Town 1 calms my soul.
  7. Wize1

    Do or do not, there is no try

    Do or do not, there is no try
  8. Wize1

    Walking Sprite

    I did not animate this. I found the 3 drawings in rpg maker mv resources and pieced them together in Aseprite to make the animation.
  9. Wize1

    Game Pad D-Pad Movement

    Thank you! <3
  10. Wize1

    Game Pad D-Pad Movement

    It is not the same as it once was with the script editor. How do I turn a block of text into a plug in?
  11. Wize1

    Missing Plugins [Download Here]

    I do not think there are 8 directional animations with the 8 movements.
  12. Wize1

    Who am I?

    Welcome, you seem like quite a character. Which is good. Shakespeare said life is a stage and we are all actors.
  13. Wize1

    Game Pad D-Pad Movement

    Unfortunately you cannot specify in the program to change movement buttons. This was in VX ace also. Have not tested gamepad in MV
  14. Wize1

    List of MV Disappointments

    I think the key about MV is all about the mobile device/touch screen export feature. Also the higher resolution stock resources, they swapped out the resource manager for plug-ins, got rid of the project manager tool, and added side view battle and battler animations as core program option...
  15. Wize1

    Wize Questions:

    1. Can you explain how the rules work regarding releasing a game made with RPG Maker MV? Do you have to use custom resources if you're using their engine in order to actually make money using their game engine? ( I will update this thread when I remember the other questions I have )
  16. Wize1

    It's up, and ready to download for those who pre-ordered

    steam is 10 am pst... 1 pm for me in florida.
  17. Wize1

    It's up, and ready to download for those who pre-ordered

    Something about the sprites that didn't meet the hype?