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Search results

  1. iblamevictoria

    Space Age

    Oh hey. I'm making a game called Space Age. It's a game that I've been working a lot on, and though I have a long way to go until it's at a quality I would be happy with I'm still chugging along. Think of this as a prototype! I hope you like what I have to show. -Lore that...
  2. iblamevictoria

    Character Sprite Opinions?

    ANOTHER great piece of software is Aseprite. It costs some pocket money, but there's a free version available that works pretty well if you're willing to let go of a few cool features and have to deal with a sometimes confusing UI.
  3. iblamevictoria

    How to sync SEs with Frames of Animation

    I have a animation I drew up of a guy hitting a locked door with a crowbar over and over. I'd like to add a sound effect onto the frame that the crowbar hits the door. What's the quickest way to do this? I poked around with all the event menus, but didn't really see anything that would help.
  4. iblamevictoria

    Game Plot - Need feedback and suggestions

    Maybe shorten that name down to Soulprism. The current name is kind of a mouthful and a TON of games have used "chronicles" as a suffix. Also Terrania looks a little like Terraria. But that's not a major quarrel since it's a pretty clever prefix to slap onto the name of a fantasy planet/world...
  5. iblamevictoria

    Save Character Ideas

    I'll check that out.
  6. iblamevictoria

    Cleaning Up the Equip Menu

    I'd like to replace the Shield option on the equip menu with a "charm" option. I've looked through the plugins I have installed and the regular RPG Maker MV database but can't find out have to do it. Is there some easy way I've been missing or am I going to have to fiddle around with Java?
  7. iblamevictoria

    Animation Tips?

    I have a section in my game where I want two characters to be fighting. What tips are there about this sort of thing? I'm pretty good at animating from an art perspective but I'm getting caught up with how I would technically achieve animation in RPG Maker MV that seems like it exits the frame...
  8. iblamevictoria

    Getting Items to Display Images.

    Hey thanks man, that's absolutely perfect. I knew I was missing something.
  9. iblamevictoria

    Getting Items to Display Images.

    The title is pretty self-explanatory. I want to use an inventory item to display an image in my game. Are there any plugins that allow this? Or did I just miss something super obvious that's already built into the game? It would also be cool to know how to get an item to display text. I'm still...
  10. iblamevictoria

    Multi-Staged Battles

    So I'd like to use a boss fight in my game that requires that the boss slowly change it's sprite after losing health. (I'm wanting to have it change at 80% 60% 40% and 20% with a final change once it hits 0%, with a little bit of dialogue to end the fight on a narrative strong note.) Now I know...
  11. iblamevictoria

    Big Sprites

    I'd like to apply a big sprite to an event. Like bigger than 48x48 which is standard. Is there an easy way to do this? If not then is there an easy way to do something similar to it?
  12. iblamevictoria

    TP Questions?

    I'd like to work with the TP system that RPG Maker MV has built into it. I hate how TP is set to a random number at the start of every battle though. Is there an easy way to make it so the TP at the beginning of every battle is always 0? If there's no easy way then what IS the way, easy or not?
  13. iblamevictoria

    Save Character Ideas

    I need some ideas for fun ways to save the game. I think I'm settled with the player having to talk to a character to save. Kind of like how Mother 3 had the little advice frogs or how Middens had those save point creeps. I thought it would be a fun way to add some quirky dialogue before saving...
  14. iblamevictoria

    Character Sprite Opinions?

    Here's a character sprite I've been working on. It's only a rough draft but I'd love to have some feedback. D certain things look clunky? Do any pixels look out of place? Thanks for any feedback. Sorry for having it as a Google Drive link, it's late and I didn't feel like messing with the image...
  15. iblamevictoria


    Thanks for the friendly response. My favorite part of making games is seeing it all come together. It's great to see a game you've worked hard to polish become something that just works smoothly and feel good to play.
  16. iblamevictoria


    I think your lore is pretty interesting. Maybe it would be cool to see Ceros attempt to create his own realm (since his super rad mom wouldn't let him have one) and that realm Ceros creates is super horrible and evil and stuff. Since he has hate in his heart. I dunno. I don't wanna mess with...
  17. iblamevictoria

    Optional Minibosses?

    Defeating your miniboss should give rewards that more fit a player who likes to fight and earn experience while the reward for the puzzle should fit a player who likes that sort of thing. If a player isn't as interested in battling then they shouldn't be rewarded with tons of experience because...
  18. iblamevictoria

    Need some ideas

    Well, there are any number of ways to do this. Maybe you could make your character some long lost heir to the throne (though people may think that's cliche). Heirs are usually the way to do it though. Otherwise your character won't have any right to whatever kingdom you're crafting. So to really...
  19. iblamevictoria

    Thief Skills

    Here's what I've come up with for your Jinx skill. Hope this helps. Just make a state called "Jinxed" or whatever you want to call the state that "Jinx" would put an enemy under. You will also need to make a skill called "Jinx" to add the state. When you're on this newly made skill navigate to...
  20. iblamevictoria

    Feedback on Weapons Please.

    I think the way you are doing it is very smart. It's a good idea the make the basic systems simple and easy to use and then use further sub-categories to add nuance. Players who don't really CARE about all the different sub-categories can just focus on the big three types of damage and be...