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  1. iblamevictoria

    Making Masks through Common Events

    I'm having some trouble with some eventing I've been working on. Basically I have a mask as an item. Right now when the player gets their mask, they also get an item just called "[TAKE MASK OFF]" with it. The mask, when used, changes the character sprite and switches on a switch that I use later...
  2. iblamevictoria

    Finally getting back to polishing up and finishing the demo for Space Age after month of no...

    Finally getting back to polishing up and finishing the demo for Space Age after month of no internet. Keep eyes peeled for it dropping soon!
  3. iblamevictoria

    Input on this music?

    Yeah this sounds very nice. Keep it up with the good music!
  4. iblamevictoria

    Input on this music?

    For the second one (Tyleto) I'd suggest putting less of an emphasis on the strings. It's obvious there's a lot of detail in your melody but it gets a little muddled in the softness of all the string sections. Maybe slap on a plucked string instrument like a shamasin or a plucked guitar if you...
  5. iblamevictoria

    My Non-Game Artwork

    Here's some of my older stuff that I've done. I've been doing art casually since forever, and would like to share. It's VERY different in tone from the art I do from my game, which is why I find either one so interesting and uniquely challenging. Cyborg Sketch: Buddy from LISA...
  6. iblamevictoria

    Eventing a more unique block-pushing puzzle

    I've been thinking of variations on the classic block-pushing puzzle that I could use. I thought an interesting twist would be that if the player pushed one block that pushed against another, then both blocks would be pushed together. It could open up a lot more interesting solutions to puzzles...
  7. iblamevictoria

    Music Feedback?

    Believe it or not I've written more music. They're all for my game. These tracks have more of a hip-hop feel inspired by some of my favorite artists. I'd like feedback, as always. The music for the demo of my game is nearly completed at this point (it includes a lot of tracks I...
  8. iblamevictoria

    Some transformative battle plugins?

    Not sure if this is exactly where I should post this, but I'd like to see what other people have to say about it. I've been working on my game and have started to work on the deeper mechanics of the battles. I'm pretty good as far a designing enemies and balancing goes, but there isn't any...
  9. iblamevictoria

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Finished two songs for certain characters in my game yesterday.
  10. iblamevictoria I'm proud of this song. Turned out... I'm proud of this song. Turned out well. Named after my favorite lucha libre move.
  11. iblamevictoria

    Space Age

    Didn't even get to fight Satan on my first time around. Only found out about it months later when I was listening to the soundtrack and saw his theme, which is never heard in the game before. I don't know how the creator of LISA made his music but I usually make mine at the same time as I make...
  12. iblamevictoria

    Space Age

    Well that's something I've been thinking a lot about, and would actually appreciate opinions on it. Publishing on Steam and charging something like 5-10 dollars sounds great considering the amount of work I will be putting into it (I'm doing the game all by myself, in free time), but I also...
  13. iblamevictoria

    New Music Feedback

    Looking good. I like the vibe. Reminds me, for some reason, of the soundtrack to Zelda II. Maybe there's a song in there that's similar to this in tone? Anyways. Here's some advice, if you'd like it. Try to make a nice melody that can be repeated so that you don't have to improvise as much. I...
  14. iblamevictoria

    Opinions on background

    Sounds like it has a lot of potential. I could definitely see you taking that concept and going really wild with it. I wonder if it would be cool if some people, who suffered the worst trauma, could become horrible supernatural monsters because they couldn't cope with it like the main characters...
  15. iblamevictoria

    Music Feedback?

    Yeah Hot Springs was definitely sort of an ambient track. Save the World was kind of an experiment. Lots of weird sounds and formatting. Space Age is the title track for my game, so I'm glad you thought it was good.
  16. iblamevictoria

    Music Feedback?

    I use GarageBand mostly, and use LMMS when I dont have access to GB. I also use a LOT of custom instruments to keep things fresh. I like weird sounds and unique instruments. I'm currently looking to buy FL Studio, which is what I would recommend to someone who would be looking to get into...
  17. iblamevictoria

    Space Age

    I would absolutely LOVE to release it by Christmas, but I'm currently moving homes, so that may be over optimistic. Look for it around early January!
  18. iblamevictoria

    Music Feedback?

    NEW SONGS ON THE HORIZON: I've composed a few tracks that I think are pretty unique. The first two both make me feel nostalgic, while the last few will just be good flavor music for my game in general. What do you think? I'd love feedback. I'm always trying to improve my...
  19. iblamevictoria

    The Theory & Struggle of Devotion

    Wow. It's almost surreal how similar my experiences are to this. I used to be really attached to a game idea called Terravia that I came up with around sixth grade(Yeah, it does sound like Terraria, but that game wasn't out when I was a kid), and was OBSESSED with turning it into something. I...
  20. iblamevictoria

    MV Dev Cutting Down MV on Steam Greenlight

    They want to get rid of the low expectations that a lot of people have about RPG Maker. It took me a long while, even as an avid user, for me to see the potential of the engine. However, I don't think those sorts of comments work and I think it's generally a scummy thing to say. If someone...