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  1. FANGirl

    Reading through the "Big List of RPG Plots" and writing down once-abandoned plots for my...

    Reading through the "Big List of RPG Plots" and writing down once-abandoned plots for my collaborative work is taking ages. > .<
  2. FANGirl

    How do you like and what direction would you like us to go?

    Lovely community. Very helpful and welcoming of new members. It does feel like a family here. And there are so many who are as dedicated to game design trade as I am~ The upgrades are priced fairly. I think a bit more structure could be added in places here and there, that would be beneficial...
  3. FANGirl

    Character Generator skin?

    It should be easy to take one of the furry anthros (in above post) like the wolf and modify it to be a bear instead. Club off the muzzle, ears, and tail and make them rounded and stumpy, and it would be passable.
  4. FANGirl

    Inspirational Music

    I'm never not listening to some form of music, and I like music of pretty much all genres. But I guess I'll share just a couple of my massive collection (that I have listened to recently). (My fav genre of music is metal - probably best sub-genres are Thrash, or Visual Kei like the above!)...
  5. FANGirl

    Go go~!

    Go go~!
  6. FANGirl

    Rules Template in recruiting?

    Characters, plot, story = must. MUST. Even if just given a glance! I agree that instead of screenshots, a hecka detailed game design document would suffice. Any kind of actual WORK that shows that something is being done. I will not, EVER, join a game project in which nothing is said about what...
  7. FANGirl

    Ask the FANGirl Any~Thing

    My icon and signature are from the manga Owari no Seraph/Seraph of the End. One of the only vampire animes/mangas I've ever liked (usually I'm ehhhhhhhhhhh about that genre XD). OnS has phenomenal character development and leaves me just going "wow" through all the twists, turns, shocks. I laugh...
  8. FANGirl

    Rules Template in recruiting?

    *fist pumps* Order among the chaos! For great justice! XD The model provided actually benefits both parties. ^ u^ The lead will know that they are contacted not because the potential recruit just wants to help make A game, but that they want to help make THEIR game. That's a huge difference...
  9. FANGirl

    Rules Template in recruiting?

    I suppose that's better than nothing. ^ u^ Perhaps some of them don't use a proper format in asking for help simply because they don't know where to start.
  10. FANGirl

    Rules Template in recruiting?

    I did make it for staff to look over? And if a project is established, the leader needs to have SOMETHING to show for it, no? I've been on too many projects (as have others) where the leader said "I want to make game, I need art okay?" and then I start and they're like "nevermind". Once a...
  11. FANGirl

    Rules Template in recruiting?

    Sorry. Not sure what you mean?
  12. FANGirl

    Rules Template in recruiting?

    Sure! I think at least some form of these core rules should be followed. Synopsis & Goals A brief description of the game, and plans for this game's future. This should include game genre and type (ex. "horror survival game", "medieval action-RPG", etc.), target audience (if applicable)...
  13. FANGirl

    Interest Check ~ Robust Character Bust Generator

    I got whatcha mean. I'm just pretty sure no one is going to program for free on this caliber of a project. XD They'd have to be committed long-term for updates and new parts to the generator and all. So it'd have to be something stable. If all pans out okay for this and I find a programmer...
  14. FANGirl

    Ask the FANGirl Any~Thing

    I'm not shy at all. Barring things against forum rules, anything goes. I'm always open and honest. ^ u^
  15. FANGirl

    Interest Check ~ Robust Character Bust Generator

    @Jiriki9 Thanks for input! Initially I thought about making it into a Kickstarter thing to get funding for it, and then working donations and "premium content" tiers from thereon, having the base tool free to use for everyone while allowing donors the ability to further customize/use more styles...
  16. FANGirl

    Interest Check ~ Robust Character Bust Generator

    I wasn't sure where to post this so if it's the wrong section, please forgive me. > .> But I was wondering how many people would like to have a more robust and customizable Character Generator for the portrait busts. Face angles, body/hand poses, colorable channels, fine-tuned part placements...
  17. FANGirl

    Ummmmm i need help

    Something Jiriki9 mentioned gave me an idea that could impact the plot of the game. What if the player had some control in how these characters find their magic? With some intricate eventing, you could effectively craft a plot in which the character(s) can take the...
  18. FANGirl

    Get well soon!

    Get well soon!
  19. FANGirl

    New person, new greeting, yaddayaddayadda. You've all seen it before.

    Welcome to the forum~ Have a nice time and create tons of good stuff. I love seeing everyone's creativity come to light. Also yeah I too started video gaming with the Atari when I was about 1 1/2 years old. (I played so many games before I even came out of diapers XD and knew I wanted to design...
  20. FANGirl

    I Bet You Didn't Know That My Favorite....

    I bet you didn't know that my favorite sweet is peanut butter and that I can absolutely not stand chocolate unless it's paired with peanut butter. > .<;; I'm not a sweets eater in general. I I like meats and cheeses and veggies. Most fruits and about 98.999% of anything else sweet...