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  1. FANGirl

    Never have I Ever... Forum Edition

    I have two poems published in poetry books. x3 One book which I own. Never have I ever tried to breakdance.
  2. FANGirl

    In a Dark Place

    This, to me, is always the best advice to game developers. It is vital to making a good game. It really is. The moment you stop caring what anyone else thinks so critically, is the moment you'll become happy. And it seems you'll always have a family of friends here regardless your struggles. :3...
  3. FANGirl

    Curious. How much would it normally cost?

    I did portraits for 3-5$ USD each with 1-2$ USD per extra expression before (animated blinking). It really depends on what you want. Some people are flexible on prices and others are firm. I tend to be flexible based on someone's budget. Sprite art is the same way - really depends on the...
  4. FANGirl

    A Game About Escaping From Hell

    I've worked on two games with a similar theme, one which actually takes in account a few religions' "life after death" teachings and combines them. That was this one: The original idea creator of that tragically and ironically died as we were in the midst of producing it. I always liked the...
  5. FANGirl

    Ummmmm i need help

    Might be a bit cliched, but how about a world which has forgotten how to conjure its inherent magics due to a Delirium that swept the world ages past. Each character is able to rewrite their ancestors' histories in order to restore the knowledge of magic to that bloodline (and each story can be...
  6. FANGirl

    What Is The One Area of the Development Process You Find the Hardest?

    I do everything pretty balanced, with a skew towards art in my favor. I can manipulate existing code somewhat to get what I like done, but do not actually write code myself (although I do know what goes into programming - it's a matter of just never learning a language because of reasons). My...
  7. FANGirl

    Forum Collab RPG Maker MV Game!

    1. Is this going? 2. Do you still need members? I could lend art (character busts) or singing.
  8. FANGirl

    Share Your Desktop !

  9. FANGirl

    Rules Template in recruiting?

    I know some may likely roll their eyes at this, but is there a way staff can enforce some Rules (Templates maybe) for Recruiting for projects. Because, as someone searching some projects to help, it's difficult to find an interesting one when 9/10th of the threads are literally "Help me make my...
  10. FANGirl


    He prefers Illusion of Gaia in that trilogy (he lists it as one of his favorite games). And yes I shall. He owns copies of them all (Terranigma, Illusion of Gaia, and Soul Blazer) so I'll probably get around to them sooner or later.
  11. FANGirl

    RPG Maker Contest - One Day Left

    Haha I figured. I'd probably only be able to help a game aesthetically anyway. > .> And it's very good! You can read up about it, and it's one of the earlier PS2 titles (early 2001).
  12. FANGirl


    My roommate really likes that game. I've never played it myself. Welcome to the forum, and to the vibrant and creative world of game development. Can't wait to see what you make.
  13. FANGirl

    "Worst RPG Maker Game Ever" Event

    This one I might try for. It'll help me learn MV while allowing my terrible noobieness to aid me~ VOICE ACTING GOALS GUYS, BRING IT
  14. FANGirl

    RPG Maker Contest - One Day Left

    Actually this idea sounds awesomely similar to one of my favorite games of all time: Shadow of Destiny/Memories. (If you know that game, great for you and you should definitely speak to mehhh) Had I more experience in MV I would sign up, but I'd be so lost and wouldn't be able to complete a game...
  15. FANGirl

    The Real You picture threddo!

    Amazing. She probably enjoys cons. I've never been to one. This is my first time I ever cosplayed, because my parents would never let me when I was younger. This year I just decided to go with it. Cause I had always wanted to.
  16. FANGirl

    (Paid/Commission) Rune Factory Project Recruitment

    Will you need portraits/animated portraits for the characters? Will there be very strict deadlines, or more loose and work-our-own-pace? I could very well do the art portraits for the character(s) that need them - and give them a little bit of animation (blinking/mouth movement/expression). But...
  17. FANGirl

    Hai hai!

    Hai everybody! I'm FANGirl (haha I'm so clever amirite? XD go vampires!) I made my first game with RPG Maker on the PS1 version, and got the PC versions after that. Mostly fangames at first (my first a 60-ish hour DragonballZ RPG - I made all the music and sprites and just about everything...
  18. FANGirl

    The Real You picture threddo!

    I can't think of a better way to introduce me to the forum than via a pic so here's a costume test of my Halloween Cosplay costume (as Chess Belle from Owari no Seraph)!