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  1. Nemo

    Side Mission Ideas?!?

    Three words: Haunted highschool hijinks! There could be a supposed haunted place, object, or person in the high school, you could have the pcs try to unravel the mystery! Bonus points for making the reward a really poignant story moment.
  2. Nemo

    Well... I guess Hello to you!

    Maybe it has. I'll have to check it out some time. :3 Either way, very nice to meetcha.~
  3. Nemo

    Ask Sugar Something

    Yessss. Pixel robot SMAAASH. **Snrk** Every time I try to watch the thing here, I get one of my roommates asking me to watching something else because they say it's too frightening, pff. I didn't know there's a remake though. I take it it's not as good? Werewolves always just make me think of...
  4. Nemo

    Well... I guess Hello to you!

    Got a current project thread up yet? ouo I don't think I know anyone who plays Tera, sadly. Wouldn't wanna play alone, yeah. Used to play FlyFF but that game turned into garbage pretty quick :c
  5. Nemo

    Welcome Self!!

    Regarding asking for folks opinions, that sounds pretty solid logic-wise. Can't be good at swords if you've only used them once. Your system looks pretty cool actually. Maybe I could help ya make a plugin for it or something. <u< And I swear I've heard the name Shadowstyx somewhere, just can't...
  6. Nemo

    Whalfar says hello

    Dude those are pretty sweet. You got some talent in those magical hands of yours!
  7. Nemo


    'Sup. ...*snrk*
  8. Nemo


    Game development is pretty tough sometimes, but the end results make it sooo worth it. Glad to meetcha!
  9. Nemo

    Well... I guess Hello to you!

    Quite an interesting introduction you have there. Sadly I never got a chance to play Tera. Is it still goin? ...why am I asking I can just go check. Bad Nemo. But yeah, hey welcome. This place is pretty chill, can definitely dig it here. Might find even find some buried treasure. :p
  10. Nemo

    Hello RPGMakerMV Forum Community!

    That sounds like one heck of a spell. Put that on the party and the panic's gonna settle in really fast. x) There's a forum specifically for questions, you'd have better luck finding help there, I think...
  11. Nemo


    Oh fresco, un italiano getta nella mischia! Se avete domande, provate a chiedere qui: Basta essere sicuri di includere una traduzione in inglese. :) [Translation:] Oh cool, an Italian joins the fray! If you have any questions, try asking here...
  12. Nemo


    Hey there, Gabrelik! Diggin the name, is there a story behind that?
  13. Nemo

    Ask Sugar Something

    omygosh I love drawing too. I miss mah tablet, was never that good with it but it was still fun ;w; The quest thing sounds pretty nice. I love games with interesting side quests, gives you lots more to do and helps fill out the world as well. :) Oooh you know what'd be cool is a baking system...
  14. Nemo

    Starting a story and I need some opinions (and text correction)

    Apples do sound much more whimsical. While they do float, the idea of crossing a body of water using them is pretty absurd unless you just have an underwater mountain of apples. I bet it'd make a great like...parable or in game lore stuff. Either way, plenty to work with <u<
  15. Nemo

    Ask Sugar Something

    Eyyy sugah sugah, why you so sweet =u= Hee, okay seriously though did you draw your own avatar? It's really cute! I wanna give her noogies. <u< Checking out your home page linked in your signature, I notice your cast is wonderfully diverse regarding race, rather nice in a white washed world...
  16. Nemo

    Pet peeves & what you'd like to see more of in games?

    Ugh I know the feeling. I've been avoiding mentioning anything anthro for fear of getting crucified by the internet. My biggest pet peeve with games I think is that armor and stats are linked inseparably. While I guess that makes sense for stuff like armor, why is Robe A more resistant to stab...
  17. Nemo

    Alium - The First Octave (Plot Help Wanted.)

    Any chance you've heard of the mysterious isle of Hy-Brasil? It's an old gaelic legend of an island shrouded in mist except for one week per year, and it's said no sailor has ever reached it's shores. Eventually, the island simply vanished, as if snatched from the world as Atlantis was. Some...
  18. Nemo

    Starting a story and I need some opinions (and text correction)

    Small suggestion, if the character's unfamiliar with log driving, he could make a bet with wood instead of apples. Wood floats, despite being super heavy, and most people who don't come from woodcutting towns could feasibly be unfamiliar with it. Just my two cents. :)
  19. Nemo

    Beannachtaí, mo chairde maith~

    Oh aye, I've seen that pretty face a' yours while snoopin about. Nice ta meetcha~ Eh some stuff I used to diddly do, here's a spriting project I did for a friend (the drawing on the right isn't mine): [Insert Zelda reference] Also used to work on a private FlyFF server a fair bit. Miss the job...
  20. Nemo

    Beannachtaí, mo chairde maith~

    What a lovely greeting, thank you. :) I have a terrible habit of trying to figure things out on my own but I could see myself really enjoying doing stuff like this as a hobby. Just browsing around the forums last night I learned many new things, such as the custom map painting and overlay...