omygosh I love drawing too. I miss mah tablet, was never that good with it but it was still fun ;w;
The quest thing sounds pretty nice. I love games with interesting side quests, gives you lots more to do and helps fill out the world as well. :) Oooh you know what'd be cool is a baking system, like they have on Paper Mario. It was kinda neat travelling around the world collecting rare and exotic foods for the cook to make into dishes. Mmm, lemon lime~ <3
Heh, wow I never would have expected horror from your general demeanor. Have you seen The Thing yet? So far it's my fav horror movie. Some classic eldritch terror right there. Can't think of any modern ones that are really good tho, any suggestions?
I actually still play SNES games, though since my mom sold all my stuff without permission I have to play on an emulator. :c I've been getting more into N64 and PS1 games as well. Far as specific titles, Super Mario World will always be my numbah one jam, yesss. Only RE game I've played tho was Resident Evil 5. Sure it's meh, but the multiplayer was just so fun nnf~ ...Does that make me a retro girl too?
I mostly got my anime from Adult Swim. Ghost in the Shell and Cowboy Bebop are fantastic titles <3 Have you seen One Punch Man yet? I got caught up in the manga online and suddenly it stopped. Was a bit worried at first, but when I heard an anime was coming out, I just had to jump that train. Glad I did, it's super fun and a fantastic parody of modern superhero tropes.
oh gosh yes supreme is called supreme for a reason =u= We have this chain around where I live called Papa Murphy's, they make these stuffed pizzas. I mean look at this thing:
They got one with artichoke, chicken and bacon on white sauce, it's basically heaven in the form of pizza. Not so good for my thighs, though.