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  1. Essy

    How do YOU make friends?

    I'm pretty forward about it. CSCI is such a broad field and so I have to constantly be learning. So I'll have to know about Biology if I wanna do one thing or Psychology if I wanna do another. As a result I can then talk to people on their terms, and most enjoy talking about the things they do...
  2. Essy


    Welcome, hope you have fun here. There's plenty of exceptionally skilled individuals here so I'm pretty sure we'll both learn something. : )
  3. Essy

    What are your favorite Original character and place names (AND WHY)?

    We got Kota Asal, which was literally "Hometown" in some language or another as a capital city. Then names for people like the frail Talric (Almighty) and the traitor Trinette(innocence). We're fans of ironic naming if you couldn't tell. :U A current character being developed is a bit of a...
  4. Essy

    Evented AI

    Depending on how crazy you want to be you could try to implement the minimax algorithm through common events and utilize it to select enemy actions. Then you'd only need two things. 1. A list of actions an enemy can take, 2. A common event function to estimate how valuable a player action is...
  5. Essy

    Tower of Agria

    Protagonists Sam Beatrix(Spoilers for the 0th Floor) [/spoiler] Setting Gameplay As for the pace of the ABS you are able to cancel actions into eachother. IE: With Sam her normal swing is an efficient way of inflicting damage quickly but if you need to split second dive out of danger you...
  6. Essy

    [Advanced Logic] Random Event Terrain Variable Generation (RETVG)

    Game_CharacterBase.prototype.goTo = function(x,y) { this.setDestination($gameVariables.value(x),$gameVariables.value(y)); } It needs parameters on the function. And also if JS allows default parameters. Game_CharacterBase.prototype.goTo = function(x=23,y=24) {...
  7. Essy

    [Advanced Logic] Random Event Terrain Variable Generation (RETVG)

    I don't know Javascript(yet) But if accessing the variables in that manner feels to cubersome I'm guessing we add this to the plugin... Game_CharacterBase.prototype.goTo = function() { this.setDestination($gameVariables.value(23),$gameVariables.value(24)); } Then in a script call you...
  8. Essy

    [Advanced Logic] Random Event Terrain Variable Generation (RETVG)

    It looks like you would do it like so. this.setDestination($gameVariables.value(23),$gameVariables.value(24)); the .value will grab the value of that variable. (The value is immutable however) Grabbed it from this rpgmaker post.
  9. Essy

    [Advanced Logic] Random Event Terrain Variable Generation (RETVG)

    It looks like you could just use "Set Event Location" to do this. Though I may be misunderstanding the problem. Looking at your algorithm here's how I would implement it via a psuedocode. events = [1,2,...] //Events used. for i in events //Iterate Through...
  10. Essy

    Thoughts on Game Difficulty

    One of my old VX Ace projects took a lot of inspiration from Dark Souls, it was a rather short project set in a world I used for some Tabletop RPs. My philosophy during development of that project was 'Difficult but Fair'. I ended up changing my thinking to "the player may fall for this and take...
  11. Essy

    Collaborative Games?

    I think the issue a lot of collabs run into is interest, commitment,nd placing/upholding of deadlines. Most people can finish what they need to do in a very short period of time, but often unless they are pressured they wont bother to even start it. I've been in a fair number of collaborations...
  12. Essy


    Kendo and Judo, my sensei keeps trying to get me to learn Kenpo as well but I don't want to lol. People usually only see my academic side talking about algorithms this, data structures that, and essentially tutoring my own classmates and it's always funny when they find out I'm actually a huge...
  13. Essy

    The "I am" Thread

    I am Bread.
  14. Essy

    Finally done with finals. Ded.

    Finally done with finals. Ded.
  15. Essy


    I'll be looking forward to your endeavors. From what I've played with of it so far MV is pretty easy to use. Only slightly less so than VX Ace but MV is definitely much more powerful. :)
  16. Essy

    Replenish % with an upto limit?

    Try to use a formula Math.min(b.hp*0.32,160) should work. So literally whichever is lower, 160 or 32% of the target's health.
  17. Essy

    A Wild Breadcat Appears!

    Thanks, I'll probably be lurking about for the most part.(Finals are coming up.) But after I'll be sure to participate in discussion afterward. I'll keep my introductory thread in mind then and check it out down the line. :) It'll probably still be a bit before I have something to show. It has...
  18. Essy

    A Wild Breadcat Appears!

    Welp. I'm Essy, you may call me Breadcat if you like. I'm a full time student of Computer Science who has been playing with RPG Maker for waaaaaaaaay too long. That said I have only finished two games on my own though I have contributed to a bit too many. I have bought MV however I would like...