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Search results

  1. KaineOfElderon

    RPG Maker Reworked Icon Set(W.I.P) 2018-04-10

    Toying around with Icon Sets..started with the basic Mv Icon Bronze and antique gold feel/finish..only done weapons so far(sorry just got off my normal job and only be working about 20 mins) feel free to use More to come..enjoy :-)
  2. KaineOfElderon

    MV Window Skins

    Love them...can I do some tweaking and recoloring of them? working on a project that is steam punk and these fit perfectly just too bright..I will send you a copy of them if you want to upload after I am done Just one of your skins I tweaked. I gave a broze/metal feel hope you like
  3. KaineOfElderon

    The Food Topic

    Just wondering what everyone consumes while working on personally I have killed a village of Dorritos and Mountain Dew While working on stuff.
  4. KaineOfElderon

    I'm looking for music for a breaking news scene.

    Does This Fit What You Need? Hope It Helps
  5. KaineOfElderon

    What did you add to your project today?

    Some more music, graphics and time....had to drown out the wife playing micheal jackson in the background
  6. KaineOfElderon

    The Slums

    KaineOfElderon submitted a new resource: The Slums - Cyberpunk, Shadowrun Read more about this resource...
  7. KaineOfElderon

    The Slums 2018-04-09

    A outside bgm for a slum type map for a cyberpunk game
  8. KaineOfElderon

    Steam Punk Opening

    KaineOfElderon submitted a new resource: Steam Punk Opening - Steampunk Opening BGM Read more about this resource...
  9. KaineOfElderon

    Steam Punk Opening 2018-04-09

    A steampunk game opening bgm from a project I am working on...enjoy
  10. KaineOfElderon

    Back at the grind

    Back at the grind
  11. KaineOfElderon

    Metal Alchemy

    KaineOfElderon submitted a new resource: Metal Alchemy - A Metalic Alchemy Windowskin Read more about this resource...
  12. KaineOfElderon

    RPG Maker Metal Alchemy 2018-04-09

    Name Says It All Enjoy
  13. KaineOfElderon


    KaineOfElderon submitted a new resource: Nebula - A Nebula Themed Window Skin Read more about this resource...
  14. KaineOfElderon

    RPG Maker Nebula 2018-04-09

    A purple Nebula themed window skin good for a sci fi space game
  15. KaineOfElderon

    Thomas Edison Lightning Plugin

    yeah I had to toy with the lighting and color codes...also it sometimes will not work the way you want to if using a day night plugin. Ultimately I scrapped it as well as the idea of writing my own and just did it the old school way
  16. KaineOfElderon

    Thomas Edison Lightning Plugin

    Have you tried the lighting pluggin that Terrax made? I have tinkered with it a few times and it works okay
  17. KaineOfElderon

    Issues With Making Screenshots

    THANK YOU...that is perfect and what I needed. I generally try to avoid steam cause it annoys me alot...but in this case that is much better then what I had found thanks
  18. KaineOfElderon

    Royal Purple Window Skin

    Included some thumbnails...wondering did you ever email Narvelan about using resources or tweaking ones from his program when you made yours...cause I did as it was a yellow in his version before I edited and tweaked it with his permison? And unless you are taking credit for a purple gradient...
  19. KaineOfElderon

    Issues With Making Screenshots

    Having an issue with making screenshots for project I am working on...everytime I do one by hitting Print Screen key, it goes black with no screenshot provided and just erro no code or anything...anyone else having this issue?
  20. KaineOfElderon

    Ready For A CONTEST?

    We need a worst game or game idea contest...rather than do the best see who can pump out the worst anything