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Search results

  1. KaineOfElderon

    Banner Creation Event!

    That was just thrown together but can include her ;-P
  2. KaineOfElderon

    Audio not working when editing

    Was working on project today when out of nowhere it stop playing the audio through the editor....still plays if I test play but I do not want to have to do that everytime...anyone know what can cause this or how to fix it?
  3. KaineOfElderon

    Banner Creation Event!

    Darns needs to be layer..I just threw on together as a png...back to ye old drawing boward
  4. KaineOfElderon

    [One Word Game] A story

  5. KaineOfElderon


    I hope so cause can post here but not anywhere else...though I should really be doing my actual job...but paperwork is so boring....rpg maker project and me 1 real world 0
  6. KaineOfElderon


    If i can add one thing now that it seems to have changed,,,server errors...been trying to post something for over 6 mins now and keeps giving errors
  7. KaineOfElderon

    Need help (LTN time engine, get weather to match the month)

    Thanks CT_Bolt...though since this post I toyed more and then ended up going the old school method...actually got a little more invovled then I had planned, made each season have different times/tints, shop hours and so forth....even made it where the temp is colder at night like it is in real...
  8. KaineOfElderon

    Need help (LTN time engine, get weather to match the month)

    I am trying to get an event to work via conditional branching, but I want it to only activate if certain parts of a script are true. Mainly the LTN time engine, trying to get weather to match the months(like it should snow between December and Feburary) and rain so on and so on. Just seems...
  9. KaineOfElderon

    Lets Go Chiefs...sorry it's football season

    Lets Go Chiefs...sorry it's football season
  10. KaineOfElderon


    Tervetuloa hallituksen Orange. Toivottavasti nautitte vierailustasi. Mitä mieltä olet RpgMaker MV moottori verrattuna muihin?
  11. KaineOfElderon

    A Plug In Idea I guess

    I was thinking that too but so far no luck...thankfully feeling much better now
  12. KaineOfElderon

    A Better Outside Tile B

    KaineOfElderon submitted a new resource: A Better Outside Tile B - Rework Of Outside Tile B Read more about this resource...
  13. KaineOfElderon

    RPG Maker A Better Outside Tile B 2018-12-02

    Just a rework of enterbrian's Outside Tile B. I thought their wood grain could use a better look to it. Still a W.I.P but figured some of you might be interested in using or toying with.
  14. KaineOfElderon

    Overworld Music

    KaineOfElderon submitted a new resource: Overworld Music - Overworld Music Read more about this resource...
  15. KaineOfElderon

    Overworld Music 2018-11-07

    just a soft acoustic guitar track that can be as an overworld theme or town if you like...just credit me in project
  16. KaineOfElderon

    A Plug In Idea I guess

    Well given my recent experiment in the medical field/being sick, it dawned on me for an idea for a plug in. Now some of this might start to sound a bit dark so sorry in advance. Why don't we have a medical plugin. Like one that you have to take a certain item for a cold and that also has other...
  17. KaineOfElderon

    Halloween Creation Contest

    I will have to opt out due being in hospital for last 4 days...rhank North Carolina weather. I won't be released till fri/sat...and no access to my pc or laptop.
  18. KaineOfElderon

    The Devil Harpy

    KaineOfElderon submitted a new resource: The Devil Harpy - Devil Harpy Read more about this resource...
  19. KaineOfElderon

    RPG Maker The Devil Harpy 2018-10-05

    Made this as a start for The Halloween contest...and devil harpy..unzip and install in area's which resources belong. This is the whole character set
  20. KaineOfElderon

    Halloween Creation Contest

    I wish to enter the HACC