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Royal Purple Window Skin 2017-03-01

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Towns Guard
Included some thumbnails...wondering did you ever email Narvelan about using resources or tweaking ones from his program when you made yours...cause I did as it was a yellow in his version before I edited and tweaked it with his permison? And unless you are taking credit for a purple gradient pattern which gradienting and fading has existed in modern art since well before I was born, then which case everyone in the world who has ever used a gradient pattern owes you credit..but I doubt that. But to prove my point I have included screen shots to prove otherwise...big thanks to Admin MinisterJay for the tip the other day...big help man.

So get on your soapbox all you want I will continue to disprove you...good day.

OH BTW...looked at your link yours is a vx skin is much different and you can not take a vx skin and make it into a mv skin...the image will get distorted in paint program(I've tried has a vx skin that I absolutely loved) as they are a height of 128 and widith of 192 were MV skins are 192 x192. And reason I did puruple...purple is my favorite color....hence pic of me.


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