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  1. sage

    ragneBro for Moderator

    Rank the following things in order of importance: activity, content, relevancy, order Team Xyphien or Team sage? BOOO :thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown: What if they don't listen?
  2. sage

    Monkey fo' Mod 2015!

    Rank the following things in order of importance: activity, content, relevancy, order Team Xyphien or Team sage? Oh, you are dead, kid. <) What if that doesn't change anything, and they do it again? What do you do?
  3. sage

    Trumully's Campaign

    But the admin is the one causing the problem.
  4. sage


    You should tell them what you do. Like with the stream.
  5. sage

    Trumully's Campaign

    What if that doesn't change anything? What would you do then? Tch.
  6. sage

    The Practice and Criticism Thread

    It takes well over a year to get good at it. It takes a lot of practice. It took me 2-3 to get a solid understanding of accurate proportions and everything. And even then, I still made quite a bit of mistakes. I see what you're saying. I was going to make her looking straight at the viewer, but...
  7. sage

    Amy's Campaign

    What would you do if an admin did something that you disagreed with, and why? What would your reaction be if another staff member took credit for something you did without your permission? How would you handle the situation? Rank the following things in order of importance: activity, content...
  8. sage

    Trumully's Campaign

    What would you do if an admin did something that you disagreed with, and why? What would your reaction be if another staff member took credit for something you did without your permission? How would you handle the situation? Rank the following things in order of importance: activity, content...
  9. sage

    View user's topics/posts?

    First world problems. :P
  10. sage

    The Practice and Criticism Thread

    I agree with you on the first one, to an extent. I wanted to make it speed up as she started laughing, but I quickly found out that there wasn't a good way to do that. So it does look a little weird. I decided to go with it anyway though, because it was closer to my original idea. I'm glad you...
  11. sage

    View user's topics/posts?

    Wouldn't it be easier to just periodically check in the forum section that it's in then? Or with the "New Posts" button at the top of the page? I haven't. It sounds like they have a special plugin for it though.
  12. sage

    Banner Voting Part 1.

    @Xyphien you didn't take out the banners with copyright content. Those would be banners: 2, 5, 7, 8, 15, 18, and 19.
  13. sage

    View user's topics/posts?

    You don't have to get them. When you click "Watch Thread," you have the option of receiving the email notifications as well, or turning them off.
  14. sage

    View user's topics/posts?

    Whenever you make a thread that you're interested in following, you should click "Watch thread." You'll get a notification when anyone posts in it. It's at the top right of every thread. As for what you're asking about:
  15. sage


    Welcome to the forum.
  16. sage

    YEA or NAY: Romance

    I agree with this. A good example of it, I think, would be the way that you could pair characters up in Fire Emblem Awakening. It was almost some sort of challenge because you had to keep the two characters you wanted to get married near each other in battle. And that wasn't always easy. By...
  17. sage

    YEA or NAY: Romance

    I think romance is perfectly acceptable as long as it doesn't compromise the integrity of the story. If it goes against the themes of the game, then romance doesn't belong. If romance goes well with the themes of the game, then even better. If romance is just tacked on to a game (for...
  18. sage

    The Practice and Criticism Thread

    Post one of your latest drawings/pieces/sketches/sprites/songs/etc. here, and everyone will do their part to give you some decent constructive criticism. The purpose of this thread is to help you improve and get better at art by pointing out your mistakes and things you need to work on. Please...
  19. sage

    MV Character Gallery

    I kinda like the beard. It's pretty great. It think it'd be better for some other type of character though.
  20. sage

    I kind of did something

    1. After you finish your sketch layer, lower it's opacity to 20-30%. Then create a new layer and do the new lines on that. They'll come out neater, and you can also make changes to the drawing more easily. 2. Use a reference image. They make drawings look a billion times better. For example...