Indie Dev

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Eien Nanashi

Temporarily Goddamn Bright Yellow
Hi, I'm
-3 hours pass-
Hello, I'm that lazy person. I art, such as drawing characters, and pixel art sometimes. And stuff. I'm still kinda new to drawing. But most of the time I
-3 hours pass-
just procrasti- oh god look at the time

I tried to make an intro topic because I was bored. (I'm actually procrastinating from something right now)
I haven't made any games, and I can't get MV at the moment because I have no way of receiving enough currency. Or any amount of currency, for that matter.
I'll be here so I have one more thing to procrastinate with, though. -refreshes forum page-

Anyways, yeah... Not much.
Hello, Amy, Biz, Chibs, Hufffullll, Jackus, Kaimen, Shin, etc etc etc. And everyone else.
yes that's in alphabetical order

Glad to... um... -insert friendly closing sentence here-
I'll... I'll get back to working now. Wait, hold on. I'll put an emoticon somewhere.

Yes. This. This is great.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Hello Eien, welcome to the MV community, we are really nice here. Hope to see you around and procrastinating lol.

Cloud Knight

Praised Adventurer
Welcome To The Community !
enjoy your stay here, and jump in some conversations.
we don't bite.
well at least not i.

i can't speak for anyone else.


Welcome! It's really nice to

*3 days pass*

see you...hmm, I thought I was supposed to be doing something...

Anyway welcome to the forums, and while I do bite, it's normally oranges. With the rind still on. While making growling noises.

*waves merrily*


Staff member
Resource Team
Hello and welcome to the forums! I look forward to seeing you here, and cannot wait to see some of the awesome art you make :D


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Hello and welcome to our forum ^o^ I hope you will have a nice stay here~ And if you have questions or need help, feel free to ask us ~<3

Bizarre Monkey

Was wondering if you'd show up. Though since you follow Shin like his own vicious little shadow I knew it wouldn't be too long before you got here.

Anyway welcome to the forums, and while I do bite, it's normally oranges. With the rind still on. While making growling noises.

*waves merrily*
I imagined your disney-lookin' avatar doing this and had a hearty little chuckle to myself, thanks.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
*looks at the date Eien joined*
*looks at the date of this intro thread*
Well, well, well, aren't you living up to your image as procrastinator prime, Eien? :D
Anyway, enough about that. Here, have this. *hands over oven-warm welcome* I hope you're gonna have fun here. We got the right people for that, that's for certain. :P