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  1. sage

    MV Character Gallery

    I really like all of them except for Aldo, Franz, Gustaf, and Hayatemaru. Aldo is boring, I don't like Franz's hair clips, and the other just don't appeal to me. I think my favorites are Nina, Akja, and Yaichi.
  2. sage

    Forum Collab RPG Maker MV Game!

    You're welcome.
  3. sage

    Forum Collab RPG Maker MV Game!

    You're making it worse. XC
  4. sage

    Forum Collab RPG Maker MV Game!

    pinned </3
  5. sage

    Hey there~

    Welcome to the forum. I hope you find it comfortable.
  6. sage

    Sage's Art

    Update: Wendy and Phone #11
  7. sage

    If you had an extra $500...

    Adobe has been giving out Photoshp CS2 for free for a couple of years now. It's not the most up to date version, but it's still photoshop. And it's free.
  8. sage

    Anime Thread

    Oh, hey. Omamori was one of the first romance shows I watched too. I've seen a lot of the other ones you mentioned as well. We have some similar tastes, I guess.
  9. sage

    Mascot Contest!

    Edited the main post to emphasize my importance reformat it and fix the grammar.
  10. sage

    Banner Contest!

    Current favorites: You guys are making some awesome stuff.
  11. sage

    If you had an extra $500...

    I do have an extra $500. It's sitting my bank account collecting dust. I don't know what to do with it. If I had another $500, I'd throw it in the pile with the other $500. Then it wouldn't be alone anymore.
  12. sage

    Greetings from an old fan...

    Welcome! I look forward to seeing you around.
  13. sage

    Hi all ^^

    Welcome, Marco! Yup, that avatar is definitely Stocke. That game was the best.
  14. sage

    Am I the only one who uses the light theme?

    Am I the only one who uses the light theme?
  15. sage

    If you were an NPC...

    "Don't talk to me."
  16. sage

    A Royal Knight, At Your Service!

    Nice to meetcha, Cloud. You seem like an interesting guy.
  17. sage

    Some of my drawings

    Fantasy Life doodles! Awesome!
  18. sage

    The Real You picture threddo!

    A white guy?
  19. sage

    biz is a fart hi

    Wh-WHAT? J-j-just... f-f-friends? </3 </3 </3 Welcome to the forum, reisen! I like how your name is all lowercase ;)
  20. sage

    Official Skype Group

    That's the one.