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  1. reisen

    Move 'New Posts' to the top

    Oh, thank you for the wonderful tip. Was just thinking that it would be really convenient for people to simply look at what's new just by looking at the right or left side of the main page. Dunno, probably really nifty for lazy people like me. XD Very helpful though, thank you! :thumbsup:
  2. reisen

    hi everyone

    Oh, okay. Well, it's good to see more people coming to this site. :D
  3. reisen

    hi everyone

    Looking forward to seeing your art, you evil chibi. :) I just noticed your avatar and I assumed that you were acquainted with Amy. Do you know her?
  4. reisen

    Move 'New Posts' to the top

    I was wondering about this but I always felt like it was tedious to scroll down just to look at what's new. Eventually, I keep forgetting to look at the new posts so I can lurk. Would it be possible to move it somewhere more noticeable when the site loads up?
  5. reisen

    MV Character Gallery

    Frist because you can't go wrong with his chin.
  6. reisen

    Amy's Artwork

    how come i did not see this amy. make a dino-catapult go
  7. reisen

    A Badge Suggestion! Badges for an Amount Followers?

    I think this would encourage where users would ask for a like first before they fully give what they offer in return.
  8. reisen

    I like this forum

    The best thing about this place is no one cares about silly ideals! Isn't that super? X3
  9. reisen

    Anime Thread

    Hahahahahahahahah Shimoneta! Anna's love nectar best nectar. I wasn't expecting the ending though.
  10. reisen

    Mascot Contest!

    Someone make a kitty mascot
  11. reisen

    Anime Thread

    Oh yeah, Ranma 1/2. I've watched the anime and the live action movie of it. Good watch, yup. I liked the live action more for some reason. >w<
  12. reisen

    Anime Thread

    I agree, RomCom is what definitely made my years of watching anime lighthearted and fun. I'm mostly into slice of life, romcom and school life. Although sometimes I go astray and end up watching supernatural, sci-fi, action and fantasy. (Overlord and Rokka no Yuusha were my most recent ones.)...
  13. reisen

    Banner Contest!

    Updated mine.
  14. reisen

    Anime Thread

    That's not called fighting over for the crown, I think it's called communicating SHARING THE LOVE. Google it up, Biz. = 3=
  15. reisen

    biz is a fart hi

    I honestly didn't notice my name is all lowercase until I made an introduction thread. I still like it though. Guess we're on the same page huh? ;)
  16. reisen

    Anime Thread

    I noticed you're one who likes the romcom genre, I see. I'm not exactlly a fan of manga since I don't really like reading too much. But I've watched atleast 70% from your list, I guess? I probably won't be able to mention all of them since I suck at scanning very long lists. xS I liked Tonari no...
  17. reisen

    Real Time Strategy Battle System

    Since MV will now have mouse support that means coders won't have to worry about path-finding problems. With this in mind, does this mean we should be able to see an RTS Battle system for RPG Maker MV anytime soon? There are alot of people who wanted to make RTS games with VX Ace but I haven't...
  18. reisen


    This reminds me of Ragnarok Online's card slot system. Thanks for showing the video, I am mostly going to use this. I'm a fan of these kinds of things. :)
  19. reisen

    Banner Contest!

    I made three versions :) Edit: I updated the three versions to fit the forums' colors more.