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Search results

  1. reisen

    Reisen's Gallery

    Thank you guys :) You're all making me more excited for when I get my internet connection hooked up and my tablet running. I'll probably be able to draw stuff for our resources section~ Yaaay \o/ I added some more logos for you guys to see. If anyone needs a simple logo, I can whip it up for...
  2. reisen

    Reisen's Gallery

    Hi. Since I'm not really an active dA user, I tend to forget updating my profile alot. So I'll probably keep track of my work here for you guys to see since I also don't know too much people in dA. It's pretty lonely out there. Criticism and feedback is welcome so feel free to comment on one of...
  3. reisen

    Mascot Contest!

    ...The choices are getting harder. y u do dis ppl
  4. reisen


  5. reisen

    Slack - A useful app for collaborations

    Hi guys! Thought I'd share this app with you since I noticed that almost everyone here is fond of doing collaborations. Slack is basically a messaging app for teams and allows you to share files (as far as I know, I haven't used it to its full extent yet.) It's basically Skype + Dropbox. If you...
  6. reisen

    SGE Presents: Curiousity

    I like the icon :P
  7. reisen


    Hi. And worry not, we don't bite. ^u^
  8. reisen

    Oh, okay. I forgot that everyone here has almost different timezones. My bad XD

    Oh, okay. I forgot that everyone here has almost different timezones. My bad XD
  9. reisen

    5? Thought MV was going to be released on the 23rd? o.O

    5? Thought MV was going to be released on the 23rd? o.O
  10. reisen

    Good luck!

    Good luck!
  11. reisen

    Mapping Tips & Tricks

    You guys should edit the tips you added in to the original post so it would be much easier to see :D Thanks for the helpful guide. I haven't mapped for years now so I'm probably starting to get rusty.
  12. reisen

    Mascot Contest!

    ^ Definitely. Maybe both could be featured along with the chosen forum logo in a pose like as if they're showing off the logo. Doesn't matter what they're in charge of, make them happen omg
  13. reisen

    Mascot Contest!

    I CANNOT CHOOSE BETWEEN AMY, PANDAMARU AND STATUS GEAR ENTERTAINMENT'S. Status Gear's would be really reallly really perfect if it was wearing armor pieces like Amy's and PandaMaru's. Otherwise, a duo mascot thing with Amy's and PandaMaru's sounds cute :3
  14. reisen


    18 years? Wow. 2k3 was my first engine and it was released around 2002 if I remember correctly? It has been 13 years now. I feel old. Looks like RPG Maker had a really long history. So given that your first engine is 2000, that probably means you've fiddled around 2k3, yes?
  15. reisen

    Ask Amy Anything

    are you secretly a man
  16. reisen


    Hi! I'm sure the forum is going to be a really big help for everyone. Hope to be seeing you around the forums alot :D
  17. reisen

    MV Japan getting 2K3 music remakes?

    The second thing you mentioned piqued my interest aswell. I don't know what happened but all I'm pretty sure of is that there has been some beef. I would love to get those 2k3 music remakes. <3 Thanks for sharing this!
  18. reisen

    Learn Javascript Basics

    Has anyone here tried the app 'Learn JavaScript?' If so, can you tell me how was your experience with it? I was told it was really easy to understand because it had videos and then had quizzes every end of the lesson.
  19. reisen

    Hey there~

    Yep! That one. Haha, nice to be acquainted with you again Ruby. o///o If you ever need me to make something for you, just tell me mkay?
  20. reisen

    Hey there~

    Hi Ruby. I think I remember you. Were you that person who had a 'Mari' avatar from Grand Chase in RMWebs?